CH6 - The First Case

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The alarm of the Spirit World's Security system was ringing through the entire place as the footsteps of the bodyguards echoed in the long hallways. As they hurried over to their destination a large muscular figure with glowing red eyes was in the middle of crushing an ogre's head within his grasp.

"Alright Goki. That's enough." One of the people in the shadow told the demon guy.

"Yes, our time is short." Reminded the second person. Goki got the message at last and let the ogre go and run after the two, leaving the room filled with knocked out ogre guards on the floor and the table in the middle empty from the three objects that could possibly cause the end of the Human World.


"Please don't leave me!" The first thing I heard in the morning. With all my strength I lifted my heavy eyelids up, only to meet with my mother's worried face.

"What's the deal?" I groggily asked as one of my hands rubbed my eyes. A long pause took over before she spoke again.

"You're back." Mom said quietly before falling back to the floor and began crying like a baby. "Thank goodness."

"Yes mother, I am alive just like yesterday." I sighed before I raised myself up to a sitting position. I went for my alarm clock to see what time it is.

"Don't normal people sleep at six?" I asked as my tired eyes tried their best to stay open.

"But I. . ." I turned to my weeping mother. "But I had a dream where you asked to go away. . . because of me. . . " Then she cried even harder. I let out a yawn as I rubbed the top of my head. 

She has done this every morning since I came back to life, but I can't say I blame her for it.
I also can't really complain since she also arranged me back to school.

After breakfast and getting my bag, I went to the door where Miyuki has already been waiting for me in her usual blue school uniform.

"Morning sis!" I greeted her, and she acknowledges it with a small and mute nod as usual. I just sighed but again didn't complain.

As both of us were walking to school I see two boys from our class were talking and laughing. Then out of nowhere, I noticed a shining object in one of the boy's possession. It looked like a pen with a golden dragon curling up around it.
I admit it looked awesome. Taking that mental note of it I decided to greet them.

"Dude a golden dragon fountain pen?" Asked the guy with brunette hair as he held the said object in his hand. "I heard these things bring you good luck." He added before handing back the pen to the original owner.

"Yeah, my uncle gave it to me in his will." The pen owner said as he placed his precious property back into his bag.

"You're like a walking bank now." The guy from earlier said. "It's a good thing Urameshi is gone." Well, that's a nice thing to say to a guy who had been dead for weeks.

"Yeah." Four eyes agreed with a laugh. "He'd have beat me up, steal the pen and melt it down into gold coins."

"Or into a weapon." The brunette dude said before laughing. Looks like it's my cue to say something nice as well.

"Hey boys." I tapped one of them in the shoulder. "Mind if I join in the conversation?" As soon as they finally heard me, they froze and turn around with a shocked look on their faces.

"It's just. . . so clever." I said as I wrapped my arm around each of their shoulders and laugh like nothing.

"It's a ghost!" The boys screamed before running away from me. I, of course lost my balance and fall flat on the ground, face first. Jeez, what's wrong with these people?

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