CH52 - Freaks in our way

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[Miyuki's mission dress

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[Miyuki's mission dress. Art by me.]

After getting everything necessary for our journey we took the bus and left for our next mission. Our stop soon came into our view. Once we left the bus I can't help but gaze upon nature's beautiful work in front of me.

"Woah, now this is a big waste of space." Was the first thing that came out of my idiot of a brother's mouth and I can't help but facepalm at this mentally.

"You know Yusuke, some people like the wilderness. " Botan pointed out.

"Yeah, old hermits and people who don't know how to talk to girls." Yusuke retorted. I was about to just smack him, but the idea was thrown out of the window when my attention was caught by Kuwabara walking ahead without saying a word.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Yusuke asked as he looked at his punching buddy questioningly. He and Botan shared a look and I just sighed before following the big idiot. "Ugh! This place smells like ass!"

"Well, it's better than your ass." I commented out loud, earning a small snort from Botan.

"SHUT UP SIS!" Yusuke snapped at me. "Anyways, there's no way we're gonna find this house by nightfall."

"This forest looked a lot smaller on the map." Kuwabara said.

"Come on guys, the other trail goes all the way to the top, I think it's our best bet." Botan informed us as she pointed at the other side of the hill.

"Do we still have to walk?" Yusuke asked or more like complaining like a child.

"Let's go Urameshi!" Kuwabara exclaimed excitedly and now energetic as he began running like the Flash from the movie while screaming nonsense like this. "Wait for me Yukina! Your true love is coming!"

My brother, Botan, and I just stood on top of that small hill as we just stared at him.

"Well, I guess he's done being in love with Botan or you sis."

"Darn." Botan breathed out a little lost.

"Tsk. Like I would cry about it." I snarkily commented as I brushed some stray strands behind my ear.

"What are you guys waiting for?!" Kuwabara shouted after us. "We got a girl to rescue!"

"Shouldn't we tell him about the rest of the video?" My blunette assistant asked out of the blue, a little unsure of herself.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now