CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1

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"Are you sure this is a really good idea?" Kurama asked with concern as he and Hiei hid behind one a square pillar with Yusuke who was on the front, looking into the sea of crowds.

"Of course I am." Replied the male Spirit Detective boy confidently. "As Miyuki's brother, it's my duty to watch over her and make sure she is okay."

"Doesn't this however count as stalking?" The redhead pointed out as he also looked around, just in case someone they know is about to spot them.

"Stalking?" The black-haired boy asked in disbelief before letting out a small puff of air. "Naaah, of course not. I am not like that."

"Don't act to be smart here." Hiei suddenly spoke up as he stood next to the demon-fox with his arms crossed. "You're terrible at it." He pointed out.

"Don't you have a job to do?" Yusuke reminded his teammate with a small growl coming out of his throat.

"Hn, at least I do it right, unlike you and that fool human friend of yours." Hiei once again barked back a comment as he closed his eyes and just focused on trying to find the girls with his Jagan eye. As Yusuke was grumbling many curses and nonsenses under his breath, Kurama's sudden gasp brought the male Spirit Detectives angry rants to an end.

"What?" Yusuke asked a little annoyed. The redhead didn't say anything but pointed at the tall security guard with his head.

"What are you kids are doing, all alone?" Demanded the brown-haired man with his broom like mustache being fixated between his fingers while the other hand was resting on his hip. "Where are your parents?"

The boys stood there a little dumbfounded for a small moment. However, Kurama was about to make up a lie as his composure slowly comes back, but before he can even say a word, Yusuke tried to solve the problem in his own way. He walked forward and kicked the man by the shin who cried out in pain and held his injury and jump up and down like a kangaroo, saying 'ouch' after each time his good foot set down on the floor.

"Yusuke-!" Kurama wanted to tell his friend how this was not a proper approach but instead, he got dragged away by Yusuke while Hiei just sped off with his inhuman speed somewhere else. Once the security guard recovered from his moment, he looked down to scold at the kid, only to find him long gone along with his friends. He got out his walkie-talkie and pushed down a button before talking into the device to make his co-workers aware of the little situation. While he was saying it, a male figure ghosted by with eyes flashing in a red crimson color for a second before going away from the security guard's area and went somewhere else.

A sudden chill ran down Kuwabara's spine as a small drop of sweat rolled down from his forehead. This odd behaviour meant only one thing. His spiritual awareness sensed the evil around the area.

"Is something wrong Kuwabara?" Asked one of his friends, Okubo who immediately took notice of his leader's blue head.

"It's probably the 'tickle' again." Sawamura announces it to his friend with a low whisper.

"What could be this time Kuwabara? The old lady again with the axe?" Kirishima asked curiously as he leaned close to Kazuma who was looking around warily.

"I'm. . . I'm not entirely sure." Replied his leader with a small stutter as he was now sweating bullets. "I'm not even sure if it's even a ghost. . ." Indeed he was not wrong, as soon as he turned to another direction, his eyes met with a man who held a sinister smile on his face, looking back at the human boy directly. Within a blink, he vanished, but the teen thug was still able to feel the darkness in the mall, meaning that strange evil entity was still lurking around here somewhere. 

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