CH24 - The beginning of the real fight

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"You should feel fortunate most Yusuke." Suzaku said with a mocking laugh. "Not everyone's girlfriend gets a star in a horror movie, let alone have a sister who is so lucky enough to have the most powerful demon as her future husband." In reply Yusuke grit his teeth. "Of course the films in my city are somewhat different. Demons usually don't care much for happy endings. Yet I am going to get one, once I have my precious Miyuki in my arms."

The male Spirit Detective clenched his fists, making his clutches go white as his rage just reached its peeks.

"You think you can control us, don't you?!" Yusuke spatted.

"Us?" Suzaku queried a brow questioningly.

"Me and my sister!" Yusuke growled before sprinting toward the Saint Beast and raise one fist up. "CONTROL THIS, YOU BASTARD!" He then began to rapidly punch the demon, but every time a fist is landed, Suzako blocked it with one hand with no sweat. A small pause later Yusuke landed another, but powerful punch, but instead of reaching the Saint Beast's face, it hit the floating long scarf. The teen thug growled in frustration before looking up at Suzaku, who was floating in the air.

"Funny thing about hanging in the air. . ." Yusuke said as he prepared his Spirit Gun. "It's really hard to dodge." Then he pointed his finger gun at the Saint Beast. "SPIRIT GUN!" The huge blast of blue energy shot out and made its way right at Suzaku, but he didn't move nor flinched in fear. Instead, he hit it away with his forearm.

"WHAT?!?" Yusuke exclaimed in disbelief as he watched his spirit bullet broke through the ceiling instead of his original target.

"Your blast is very powerful." Suzaku commented to the Spirit Detective who had been frozen in pure shock. The demon landed back to the floor with the Whistle perfectly fine in one hand while the other, that had been blocking the attacks was smoking from the small heat the Spirit Gun attack.

"You actually made my hand numb with that last attack." Suzaku admitted as he blew the smoke away. "It's a very good thing you can't hit me with it or I might be in some trouble."

Yusuke growled in frustration as he angrily ranted to himself in his mind about how all of his training with Genkai and Yara are down in the garbage can.

"Let me hold the Makai Whistle for a moment while you drain away his life." Murugu offered as she flew toward her master.

"Thank you Muguru, but that isn't necessary. I'll destroy him with one hand." Replied the Saint Beast confidently.

"Hey, thanks a lot!" Yusuke snapped before lighting strikes through the sky.

"I just love the revelation." Suzaku said smugly.

"My pleasure!" Snarled the Spirit Detective. Suzaku closed his eyes then his right hand reached up for the sky.

"Ooo, Suzaku! You're using that technique on a human?" Murugu asked excitedly before turning to the thug boy. "You're going to die! You're going to die!" She taunted while laughing in delight. More lightning boomed like bombs in the world war. The bolt of lightning strikes once more, but this time it went right at Suzaku and charged him up. In the bright light, Yusuke couldn't see. He had to cover his eyes in order not to go blind.

"Give me a break!" Yusuke exclaimed as he got the courage to open his eyes again, only to witness the Saint Beast holding up a ball of energy that was made out of nothing more than the lightning itself.

"Who does this guy think he is?!?" Yusuke yelled in disbelief. "You can't hold lighting." He said, mostly to convince himself.

"Are you ready?" Suzaku asked before charging at the male Spirit Detective. Yusuke quickly jumped up, but Suzaku doesn't let him get away, so he jumped as well.

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