CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1

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"What are you doing here?" Miyuki asked as she looked at her so-called friend with a small hint of suspicion since she doesn't really know what to expect from the fire demon who just came out of nowhere. In fact, she didn't even count on Hiei's sudden visit.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Retorted the demon boy back, his voice stern and blunt as usual.

"Hn." The black-haired girl scoffed out as she turned her head away from his figure and look at the tree's crown, now finding them a little more interesting than the view that she previously witnessed.

Hiei rose an eyebrow at the girl, as she got those gaze of her that soon turned into a longing look. He turned in the same direction, but all he saw was the tree branches and the green leaves that the wind was swinging back and forth.

'Man, I wish I can jump and climb up over there right now. . .' Miyuki thought to herself as her stare remained on the tree. 'At least I can get away from this freak-!' Her thoughts were interrupted when her hand and bare feet sensed the ground's vibration which soon followed by loud people.

"MIYUKI?!?" Kuwabara's raspy voice cried out worriedly as he and Yusuke looked around the place. Apparently, they wanted to check on the girls after he and Yusuke fetched up Kurama from the city.

"Come on Sass Queen, I think you're a bit too old to play hide and seek. Don't you think?" Said the male Spirit Detective right after it as he and the other boys began to look around the area.

Miyuki let out a small groan and was about to reach for her crutches, but suddenly was picked up by Hiei.

"What the-? What are you-?!" The black-haired girl stammered, but before she can finish her sentence or get an answer from the fire demon, he jumped up to the tree and hide behind the branches and leaves with the girl in his arms. At first, nothing happened but after a few minutes later the gang arrived.

"She should be here somewhere. . ." Ruby said as she leads the boys to the garden's area. "This is where she would mostly be."

"Oh yeah, I remember." Yusuke laughed a little. "She would be covered in dirt and water after master Yara kicked our asses." He rubbed the back of his neck as a nervous sweat drop rolled down from the back of his neck, remembering about those training events very clearly.

"I think it's a perfect place to relax." Kurama can't help but comment as he eyed the many colourful and magnificent plants that surrounded them.

"You got that right." Ruby agreed with a small smile.

"Hey, look." The orange-haired teen exclaimed as he pointed a finger at the crutches that are lying on the bottom of the tree where Hiei and Miyuki are on. The fire demon was covering Miyuki's mouth, to keep her from letting out a single sound.

"What are those doing here?" Yusuke asked curiously as he approached them. "Some new decorations? Is it Halloween already?" The boy joked as he picked up the item.

"I put them for Miyuki since the damage on her body forces her to limp of getting out of balance." The water-bender girl said as she got closer to Yusuke along with the redhead and Kazuma. "She shouldn't even be out here." She added the last sentence like a stern and concerned mother.

"I'm sure she is not that far away." Kurama said calmly and soothingly as he placed a comforting hand on Ruby's shoulder, making her flinch slightly right before turning into a blushing mess.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now