CH23 - No time to waste

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We kept on running up the stairs of the long tower. Only one Saint Beast left and the world is saved.

However, as we were running up I saw Kuwabara suddenly stop, making me stop on my tracks as well.

"What now? Got cramps?!" Yusuke asked confused and sarcastically.

"My whole brain just felt like an ice cube." Kuwabara replied carefully as he looked up with his scared and worried expression. "Something bad is happening. I think back on Earth." Now that made me think of Keiko, Botan, and Ruby. We had been here for a long time now, and since our last communication Botan hadn't called for a long time now. . .

"No telling how long we've been here. " Rosehead observed. "The beasts have most likely organized a counter-assault using the Makai."

"Only one more, let's not waste time." Hiei said, making me nod in agreement. We continued sprinting up to the exit.

"Hurry up!" My Spirit Detective Partner urged us.

"Shut up!" Kuwabara snapped at my brother as we kept on running.

Soon we were outside the area, running on a bridge and toward our next and final destination, the huge tower.

"What the hell is that thing?" My brother asked as the yellow lightning struck down behind that building.

"It's the watchtower, I'm sure that's where he's hiding." Hiei answered.

"Then let's drag him out!" I suggested. Suddenly we were cut off by the sound of my communicator went off in my brother's pocket.

"What now?" Yusuke complained before picking it up. I rushed to his side to look at the screen-.

"Small problem." Botan said as two familiar girls were by her side.

"Keiko?!" Yusuke exclaimed in shock.

"Ruby?!" I cried out just as surprised.

"Botan called me an hour ago." Ruby explained quickly and quietly.

"Listen, guys, we had to pick up Keiko from school. It seems that every infected person in this area is looking for her."

"What?!" My brother yelled in panic.

"Yes, and I don't they're here for a talk." Ruby added. "We're almost certain they mean to kill her!" I gasped at that. That must be the leader of the Saint Beast doing.

"Did you say 'kill'?!?" Yusuke demanded.

"So, that's what my premonition was." Kazuma said beside me.

"These beasts must be using the Makai whistle to order the-!" Botan started to explain but was cut off by something that made all three girls scream in fright. And that was the last thing we saw before the screen went all fuzzy.

"Botan?! Are you there?!?! BOTAN!!!" My brother yelled frantically but it was no use, they were gone and now we have nothing that could help us see them.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." Kazuma commented.

"Let's destroy that whistle as quickly as possible!" I stated firmly before running toward the tower building. The lightning just kept on booming in the air, but no water fell from those dark clouds. I really wouldn't mind if the rain would fall right now, it would help me restore the water supply that is going to run out in any moment.

"Ok guys, that is a spooky watch tower." Kuwabara commented a little tensed up.

"The last beast should be on top floor." Shuichi stated.

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