CH16 - Where the adventure begins

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Here it is again. The same dream that had been chasing my mind for two whole years.

Starting with me waking up in the middle of a beautiful green forest again, surrounded by many magnificent plants and colourful flowers. The full-moon shining brightly above my head as its gentle ray of light helped me see most of the time. As usual, I don't know why am I here.

I looked at my surroundings, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It was a quiet and peaceful night. The gentle breeze soothingly orders the grass and leaves to dance around its lead while animals like owls and crickets song played along with the night's magical music. The moon above my head shining with it's glory in the middle of the high woods that surrounded me.

However, that peaceful silence was cut short once I see that blur of something black flashing from one tree branch to another. A person in black.  And as always, I began to follow it. I don't know why, but after many nights of this same dream, I want to know what's the answer.

What's that thing that is jumping and running away, and why is it in such a hurry?

Now being conscious enough in my dream world I began to catch up to the figure. After many jumps and sprints, it was gone. Again. Although, but I also found myself in another magical natural beauty that I had never seen before. A crystal clear lake in the middle of it all with a bridge that was above it. On one end, where a figure in white was, they had the beautiful green-leaved trees while on the other end of the bridge, it had pretty cherry blossom, sakura trees.

What's going on here?

I hid behind a tree that was close enough to the bridge.

I take a good look at the white figure, who was wearing a pure white hood over his head while most of his features hid behind that cloak that was attached under it. I couldn't see more besides that sapphire embroider that is decorating the left shoulder area. From the angle I was at, It looked like a bird- no. . . It looked like flames shaping the silhouette of a phoenix.

I watch as the stranger made their way up onto the bridge. I rub my eyes a little for a clearer vision. That's when I finally noticed the other figure that is waiting in the middle of the bridge. It was a young woman. Long hair straight as the wire, but with a colour that reminds me of the orange flames. A headband circling her head while holding up a red mask that matched the colour of her fighting attire while covering the right-half of her face. As for her clothing, there was a black long sleeve covering her right arm while the other half had a short red one. The left-arm was completely exposed while the right side was all covered with a glove. Like she was hiding something from the world.

I held my breath as I looked at the two figures intensely. But who are these people anyway?

"My beloved. . ." Spoke the figure in the white cloak. His voice was deep, yet soothing and warm like the sun. The woman softly gasped as she turned to the source of the voice.

"Akio. . . ?" The woman breathed as she hesitantly took a few steps closer. By her left eye, she looked speechless and shocked by the appearance of the young adult man.

"Akio. . . " The name ran through her tongue again. Her left hand reaching up to the person's face carefully. . . . No, she pulled the white hood down. I feel my eyes open wider than the dinner plates. Short hair, that is as white as the freshly fallen snow, with slightly pale skin that almost matched with it. I also noticed the mask that probably covered his nose and mouth.

"Please my love. Forgive me. . ." The young-man, Akio said gravely as he brought up his right hand up and place it gently onto the woman's hand. "I am so sorry for leaving you like this. . .Broken and full of pain. . . You don't deserve any of this. You deserve something better. . . Maybe even someone better than myself. . . " Even though Akio sounded so calm and collected, the pain is still there. . . I feel myself soften up as I continued on watching the scene. . .

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now