CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again

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This is it. The moment of truth. Who is going to win this last fight? Who is going to end up becoming Genkai's new student? Will Kuwabara recover from his wounds and injuries?

Here it is now.

Yusuke was panting heavily as he tried to keep himself steady, but the exhaustion that is now taking over his body doesn't want to give him a chance. It needed rest, but it also wants to keep going, to stop that demon's record for good. Meanwhile, the human hunter, Rando stood there confidently as his scarlet red hair was blown to the side. Master Genkai and Yara were paying their full attention to the fight along with the sky-haired Botan who was, as always concerned about the boy's well being and about the end results of this match. As for Miyuki and Ruby, the water-benders try their best to treat Kuwabara's wounds in every way possible.

"So that's Rando." Botan said as her eyes glared at the evil demon figure. Suddenly Kuwabara let out a small grunt as he attempted to move from his position.

"U-Urameshi." The orange-haired boy croaked in his unconsciousness, making all three spectators turn to him. "Are you ready to fight yet? Cause I'm ready as soon as you are."

"Huh?" The blind old woman hummed questioningly.

"Even when losing consciousness that boy has a one-track of a mind." Genkai commented before her and the other two beside her turns back toward the fight scene.

"Shut up and hold still." The Urameshi girl figure instructed sternly as her watery hands moved their ways toward the broken arm.

'Be brave Yusuke.' Boten mentally prayed. 'At least for Miyuki's and Kuwabara's sake.'

Yusuke was holding up both of his fists, trying to look tough, but his tiredness gets the best of him.

"This is always the hardest part." Rando said before slowly walking up to the exhausted Spirit Detective, threateningly. Yusuke tried to keep it together, but his trembling legs collapsed underneath him, making him fall on one knee.

"Choosing what technique to use first, like a drooling boy in the candy store." The redheaded demon stood before Yusuke. "Perhaps you can give me a good suggestion."

"Shut your mouth." Yusuke spatted as he lifted up his head and stared at the demon's face with so much hatred and anger. One of his hand balled into a tight fist and then he got up and began to send several punches at Rando's entire being. Face, chest, stomach, and repeat. But unfortunately, Rando didn't even move an inch from his stand. The attacks had no effects on the demon's physical body.

"And here is a kill!" Yusuke shouted as he gave another hit in Rando's face as he stumbled forward.

"So there!" The big brother said as he turned back to take a good look at his opponent, only to get a smirk in response. "Oh, crap!"

"Huh, this battle isn't going to last very long if only half of you can still throw a punch." Rando told the boy with honesty.

"What?" Yusuke particularly screamed.

"Those punches had absolutely no spirit power." The read headed human hunter continued on. "You've gone dry." The statement made the young Spirit detective grit his teeth.

"Yusuke. . ." Miyuki let the name roll down her tongue, but she couldn't help but feel the taste of bitterness in it as she helplessly watched her brother fight. She hated just standing by and watch someone she knew or cared for being thrown around or hurt themselves.

"Alright, I just thought of the perfect technique for you." Rando said before lowering himself down a little. His entire body began to release the dark aura as his eyes began to glow brightly. His mouth opened up and soon small and thin hair-like treads began to come out of it, trapping Yusuke completely.

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