CH27 - Back home with confusion

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I woke up with a start, and needless to say I felt terribly sore. My body was aching and screaming in pain while the light that came from the huge window almost blinded me. After a couple of blinks, I finally regained my vision, the first thing that I saw was a yellow ceiling. I felt something soft underneath me, like a bed with a pillow while a blanket covered my body.

Wait, where am I?

"Well, about time you woke up." Commented a very irritating yet familiar gruff voice that I would recognize anywhere. With all my might, I turned my head to the side to see Kurama and Kuwabara in the room.

"Where am I?" I groggily asked, now feeling how dry my throat is.

"You're in my room, which is by back on Earth." Kuwa answered my question.

"You had been sleeping for three days straight." Kurama added while I sat up from the bed with difficulty. Oh great, I am back in that room where the old hags used to let me stay and dump water on every morning just for fun.

"Three days?" I asked in incredulity as I winced in pain. "It feels like I had been out for a while."

"School looks like a warzone and classes got cancelled for a week, I talked to your mom too, so don't worry about it." Kuwabara reassured me. As my brain managed to take all the information in my mind drifted to the people who I have no idea of how are they doing.

"Okay, and what about Keiko?" I asked. "Also where is Miyuki? Is she okay as well?" After I said that the boys froze for a moment. I see Kuwabara take a hard swallow before him and Kurama turned their heads away silently with a hard frown on their faces. That made me feel anxious.

"What about the girls?" I asked a little harshly this time, but I still received no answer nor sound from the two, they just kept shooting their gazes down and away from me like. . . Something happened and they don't want to tell me. . .

"What?" I asked again, making Kurama's eyes shut tightly while Kuwabara's eyes trembled in. . . sadness while he was clenching his teeth as well. "WHAT?!" I asked for one last time but still got no proper answer. That's when I couldn't take it anymore.

"HEY!" I snapped as I got off of the bed and rushed over Kuwabara, grabbing him by the shirt and bring his face close to me, but for some reason, he refused to meet my eyes.

What the hell happened? What happened to the girls, god damn it!?!?

"You better start doing more then clenching your teeth!" I yelled at him. "Tell me what happened to them?!" I demanded. Just then the door of my room slid open, revealing a perfectly fine Keiko and Botan.

"I recognize that yell anywhere. What's up, Yusuke?" Botan asked as she smiled brightly. Now I was confused as hell. No, it's not that I am not happy it's just. . .

"Botan. . . Keiko. . . " I trailed off as I felt my eyes opening wider. Then I hear Kuwabara's attempt to hide his laughter, making me look at him with anger and annoyance. Is he serious?

"Oh my gosh, that was so great!" He snorted out as he still tried to cover his stupid big mouth.

"Sorry, Yusuke. He insisted." I hear Kurama's explanation before starting to laugh silently, pissing me off even more. Then the Stupid just let it all out in the open.

This guy. . . Now he is going to get it. . .

"You really should've seen the look on your face!" Ugly said as he continued laughing his head off because it was soo funny to mess with me. Well, I don't find the joke funny.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now