CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.

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"Sir, there is no need to worry. I'm sure Yusuke and Miyuki are able to handle themselves out there." Jorge tried to reassure the annoyed Koenma who had been pacing around on his office desk for a while, that probably felt like hours. "Besides, they have Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei with them."

"Just be quiet, will ya?!" The little baby snapped at the blue ogre who jumped back in fear. "I can't think clearly if you keep on babbling! So why not make yourself useful by trying to find out who is the new Phoenix instead?!?!"

"Y-yes sir!" Jorge replied with a shaky voice before running out of the office, however as the door opened, another ogre rushed in with a look of panic on her expression.

"Koenma sir, they're back!" He said out of breath since he hurried his way over to his boss's office. "And not only that, we had found out who is Akio's reincarnation."

"What?!" Koenma exclaimed in shock. "WHO?!"

In the waiting room, the male spirit detective and his teammates were waiting for the nurse to come out with the news. It's been hours since Miyuki was under the care of Ruby and some other doctors from the Spirit World.

"Still nothing?" Yusuke asked impatiently as he asked some of the doctors.

"Calm down Urameshi." Kuwabara said as he attempted to comfort the Spirit Detective. "I'm sure they're trying their best to-."

"Don't tell me to calm down!" The black-haired boy shouted angrily, as he brushed off the orange-haired thug's hand. "That bastard almost killed my sister and now I don't even know whether she is dying or not!" He then sat down on a chair and slammed his hands against his head, grasping onto his black locks, almost like he is ready to rip them off piece by piece.

"Hey, it's not your fault that she is hurt." Kazuma tried again. "It was that stupid magician's, who even started this mess in the first place."

"He is right Yusuke. " The redhead calmly agreed as he was leaning his back on the wall with his arms crossed and eyes closed. "No one could have predicted this."

"Hn." Hiei just scoffed as usual and just stood there next to the others, deep in his own thoughts.

"But I am supposed to be her brother for god's sake!" Yusuke pointed out. "I was supposed to be there for her damn it. . ." By this point, a single angry tear rolled down from his eye. "Stupid me and my temper." Seeing this, everyone can't help but feel sympathy toward the teen Spirit Detective. Even Hiei felt sorry for him, but he didn't let it show of course.

"No need to beat yourself up about it." Kurama said as he walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort. "What has been done is done. There is nothing we can do to reverse it. All we can do now is hope that everything will be okay."

Just as Yusuke was about to reply, Botan appeared in her pink kimono looking relieved but worried at the same time.

"Oh, thank goodness all of you are here and well." She said, only to get a small glare from Yusuke.

"Oh, hey Botan!" Kuwabara greeted her with sparkling eyes as his face lit up like the lamps on the Christmas tree.

"Well, not really." Yusuke grumbled out loud. Then a toddler in purple clothing and hat slowly began to join the party.

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