CH33 - Battle between emotions

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After we managed to get away from that cursed river we decided to stop at the bottom of a huge tree and take care of our wounds. Ruby was healing Kuwabara at the moment while I just finished with my brother's claw marks that were on his side.

"Thanks." Yusuke said as he turned to me with a small smile. I said nothing and just nodded my head. Before turning to an exhausted Hiei and walk up to him. I crouched down to his level and with a small swift hand motion, I covered both my hands with water gloves. I was about to touch the demon's cheeks, but one of my hands was caught harshly by Hiei's hand.

"What do you want woman?" Hiei asked with his usual snarky attitude.

"Let go." I demanded in a calm manner. "I am trying to heal you."

"Hn." He huffed before freeing my hand and turn his head away, closing his eyes in the process. "I don't need healing." The answer made me scoff at him as I tried again to reach him.

"Hold still." I told him sternly as I almost caught his face, but he turned his face to me with an annoyed look on his face.

"I told you I don't need it." He glared at me stubbornly. I moved the water away from my left hand and smacked down Hiei on the head, just like I would do to Yusuke when I need to keep him in line. Moron, just as stubborn and hot-headed as my brother.

"What was that for?!" Demanded the Almighty Shadow Lord in frustration as he rubbed the top of his head.

"Look, just shut your face and let me help you!" I told him with a stern voice. "Or should I remind you Three-eye about the fact that you almost drowned with our dear Foxface over there? " I sassed at him. My ears caught the others snickering behind my back while my eyes focused on the stubborn demon boy. I see him want to protest or say something, but for once no insult or voice came from his mouth and just closed his lips shut while a small sweat drop appeared on the side of his face, looking away with a pout, totally defeated and embarrassed.

"Hn, thank you for your cooperation." I told him in a huff as the water soon flew back to my left hand and I touched each side of Hiei's face. The water soon began to glow bright blue while turning cold. I feel Hiei tensed up a little, but within a second he relaxed and leaned into my touch. I felt a little shocked by his sudden gesture, but I shook it off.

He is just tired like all of us. After finishing with my work I sat down on the grass and took a deep breath. I felt like crap. My muscles are screaming in pain while it was also shaking like a dry leaf.

"It's getting late." My favourite redheaded demon boy stated. "Perhaps we should stay here for the night." I hear Kurama suggest it to us.

"But wouldn't that be dangerous?" Kuwabara asked, sounding a little distressed.

"Yeah, fox boy. " My brother agreed. "After swimming with a bunch of those reptiles like those guys, who knew what kind of freaks are we going to face next."

"Still, we need rest, so we can restore some energy." I pointed out as I slowly got up from the ground while forcing back a yawn.

"True." Ruby agreed before letting out a huge yawn. "Let's lit up some fire."

And that's what we did. However, while Kuwabara stood on guard and Yusuke, Shuichi and Hiei rested, my water-bender partner and I collected a few twigs and other wooden material and dried up grass for the campfire. . When we had enough, Ruby attempted to lit it up, by hitting two rocks against each other, so that would create some sparks, and then it would start up the fire. However, the method didn't work in her favour. I was about to help her, but Shuichi beat me to it.

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