CH35 - A Rocky Situation

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My consciousness slowly began to come back to me, but I didn't open my eyes. Not just yet. I had never felt so relaxed and well-rested for decades, but the big question is what made this even possible? I turned to the side and just relaxed into the soft pillo- Wait, what? My eyes snapped open and instantly shot up from my sleepy form. I looked at the so-called pillow I had rested my head on, only to see Hiei's lap and his sleeping form who was leaning against the tree with arms crossed over his chest and eyes closed while wearing a peaceful look on his face.

But how on earth did I ended up sleeping on his lap?!

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I hear my brother's greeting that came out more like a snort. If my face wasn't burning before, now my head is maybe set on fire. I snapped my head to Yusuke's direction, and I see his Chesirecat-like grin on his face while Carrot Top next to him was trying everything in his power to hold back his roar of laughter.

"Pfff-Sleep well?" Yusuke asked through his pressed lips, but soon he and his idiot friend burst out laughing like no tomorrow. My embarrassment soon recovered and now I was just pissed off at these jerks. I subconsciously grabbed onto the grass. As my grip got tighter, suddenly the coldness began to spread on my hand and on the grass in a line of ice. Soon ice cuffs began to tie the boys' ankle and hands, making them finally stop laughing and panics like some girls who just saw a rat or something.

 Soon ice cuffs began to tie the boys' ankle and hands, making them finally stop laughing and panics like some girls who just saw a rat or something

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"Hey, what's going on?!?" Kazuma screamed as he tried to pull himself off of the ground and out of the ice traps, but he remained completely stuck.

"THE HELL IS THIS?!?" Yusuke shouted in surprise.

"Huh?" I hummed thoughtfully as I lifted up my hands and look at them dumbfounded. My pouch is sealed shut-. I slightly gasped in realization. 

Of course. . . Where there is life, there is water, and plants also contain water. . . . and so is many things.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT! COME HERE SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS!!!" Yusuke's threat snapped me out of my thoughts, making me look up to him and see him pathetic attempt to free himself from my ice trap. I just hummed in response as I inhaled through my nose to get some fresh air into my system. I opened one eye to see Ruby and Rosehead coming toward us. They looked at my newfound masterpiece a little shocked, but it was mostly covered by confusion.

"Did we miss something?" Shuichi dearest asked puzzled like a lost puppy.

"Oh, nothing." I told him slyly as I closed my eye again and just kept them like that while letting my smirk curl up on my lips as my brother's and the Carrot Top kept on complaining and whining, but I said nothing and just let them suffer.

The fun was over though when Hiei woke up and then began to continue with our quest to take down the evil Wizard of OZ. It felt like forever, and it was boring. As my brother and Kuwabara kept on chatting about some dumbass plan, mostly that is all about ass-kicking with no brains I sighed and just folded my hands behind my back. My eyes found nothing interesting to stare at, but for some reason, they kept on looking at these trees that are surrounding us. I rose an eyebrow when finally noticed something with my ear. Besides my dipstick of a brother bitching to Kuwabara these woods were early quiet. Too quiet to be more precise.But then suddenly I felt the burning sensation coming back again on the skin of my left shoulder. I flinch and in a reflex I clung onto it, making my feet stop on their tracks.

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