CH30 - Here we go again

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Three days had passed since that nightmare, but from then on things went a little differently for a certain person. 

Right now the Urameshi siblings and Kazuma walk on the path that would lead them to Kuwabara's house. Why was Miyuki there in the first place? Well, mostly because her brother dearest and orange-haired teammate wants to fight again, and they want her to join with them. I this case though, the brother, because he doesn't want anything bad to happen to his little sister, now that there is this new threat.

As usual, the boys were bickering and saying many silly things to each other, occasionally capturing one in headlocks or give a good punch to the face. However as the two fought, Yusuke was the one to put an end to it all, and not his sister, who had been walking next to them in dead silence and a thoughtful but tired and dazed expression on her face.

"Hey, what's with her today?" Kuwabara asked curiously as he let go of his punching buddy. "She had been more quiet than usual."

"Yeah, but that's my sister." Yusuke shrugged the manner off as if it was no big of a deal. "You know the silent, sarcastic robot friend with a silver tongue."

"Are you blind Urameshi?" The teen thug asked with an angry look on his face, that took Yusuke a little off guard. "Just look at her closely! She looks like she hadn't slept for days!" The Urameshi boy groaned but didn't object and did what was told. He turned to his little sister with an annoyed expression, but that soon shifted into a small frown when he finally realize what his friend was talking about. Miyuki wasn't just early quiet, she also looked a little distressed and a little upset. Well, her face showed nothing, but her eyes and those black bags underneath them told him the truth. Misery.

"Hey, you okay there girly?" Yusuke asked as he leaned closer to his sister, only to receive nothing. Not even the slightest reaction.

"Miyuki?" He called again while snapping his fingers in front of the girl's face, making her finally rip herself out of the train of thoughts. "You okay there little sis?" The brother asked, earning a small and weak nod from his sister who subconsciously made sure the sleeves of her uniform is covering her wrists. It made Yusuke's suspicion rose while his eyes soften up when he noticed how she wasn't looking at him in the eye and just stares ahead in a daze.

"Hey-uh, I'm sorry for snapping at you that night, I don't know what had gotten in me back there." The male Spirit Detective apologized as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. His apology sounded sincere and genuine, in fact, Yusuke did felt the guilt for shouting at his sibling. He was in a really bad mood on that day, thanks to Koenma's new case announcement and he somehow took that anger out on Miyuki, who in the end just mutely waved one hand dismissively before waking ahead of the boys in a hurried pace, for either not wanting to be in anyone's company or because she doesn't want to talk to her brother like at all. Yusuke thought about these options and the latter choice made him feel awful.

"Huh?" The boys hummed questioningly as they began to follow her.

"Now that is strange." Yusuke commented as he wondered what could have possibly made her this way.

"Maybe she had a nightmare or something." Kuwabara thought out loud. "Speaking of nightmares, I had this weird feeling last night."

"What?" The male Spirit Detective asked his friend.

"That's right." Kazuma nodded his head. "Before I went to bed I felt this weird aura in the air. It also had a weird smell to it, but as soon as I sniffed in it I suddenly felt a bit more stressed and angrier."

"Really?" Yusuke asked curiously.

"Yeah." Kuwabara nodded once more. "And I have a feeling that something evil is lurking in our world."

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