CH29 - The Nightmare Case

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As soon as we got through the portal Rosehead and I were in Koenma's office. When we stepped one foot into the room, I see my brother and Botan as well, and by the looks of things, Yusuke is having a great episode of curses and rants because like a whiny child, he doesn't want to go anywhere.

"Give me a break, we just got out of one mission, and let me remind you we almost died there!" Yusuke screamed like a banshee or more like a total brat.

"I know Yusuke, I know, but as Spirit Detectives, it's still your duties to keep the balance of the world, every time the evil rises." Koenma replied calmly even though he held the look of irritation on his face.

"He got a point Yusuke." Our assistant, Botan agreed. "The evil would always pop up when we the least expected."

"You can explain that all you want Botan, he will always act like that for almost every time when he is reminded that the sun doesn't revolve around him." I told her pointedly.

"Shut it, sis!" Yusuke snapped at me annoyed making me sigh in disapproval and cross my arms over my chest.

"What's the fuss about anyways?" I asked with a bored tone as I placed each hand onto my hips.

"Unfortunately, some bad news for you two." Koenma began to talk as he rested his chin on his clutches. "I don't know if you had seen or sensed something, but there had been some strange activities happening in your city, very recently, like for instance people, well mostly children having nightmares frequently or adults getting more aggressive out of the blue for no reason at all.

"Really?! You called us for this?!?!" My brother asked with annoyance and disbelief mixed up together. "Give me a break, everyone has that kind of problem." Yusuke pointed out. It's true though, everyone has their fair share of having bad dreams.

"It's is true, but this case is very different." Botan chimed in with a serious tone. "While a few of our investigators were roaming around the city they told us that some dark spiritual energy is hanging in the air, but when I went to check it myself I found a child screaming and crying in their sleep like they're being tortured in their dream. However once they woke up, that strange energy disappears as well, leaving bruised up kids once the job is done. "

"It seems that something or someone is feeding its energy fear and anger of humans. " Shuichi observed earning a nod of agreement from me.

"And let me guess the next, the more fear it gets the more powerful it becomes?" My brother asked the obvious.

"Obviously." Botan confirmed it with a nod, but she still held a serious expression on her face like last time before she sent me to the Maze Castle first. This could only mean that this isn't going to be a child's play like our last time. "But I have a feeling that this is just the beginning."

I looked at Rosehead who was reflecting the same feeling I have through his eyes. Worry.

"Indeed you're right Botan." Koenma agrees with the Grim Reaper's statement. "Sadly however we don't know anything about this entity's identity or anything about its aim, so I want you all to start an investigation as soon as possible. Maybe in that way, we can put an end to it before things go too far. "

"Yeah-yeah we get it." Yusuke said uncaringly as he dismissively waved his hand. "Now can we go now? I've got to beat Kuwabara since he asked for another round. Again."

"Oh, for once in your life Yusuke take your job a bit seriously!" Botan exclaimed irritatedly right after she hit the back of my Spirit Detective partner's head.

"You may leave." Koenma said, ignoring my brother's rudeness and stupidity. "But be careful and keep a close eye on the streets. "

"We will." Rosehead promised formally before we all left on our merry way.

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