CH25 - What's important. . .?

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Miyuki hadn't moved from her position and neither did the clone of Suzaku. The two stared at each other intensely while trying to read one another like books.

Suzaku held confidence in his expression while Miyuki's remained serious with the small hint of anger in her eyes. However, the girl knew better than to let her emotions get the best of her. She needed a plan, but her eyes didn't catch anything from her surroundings that could be useful. Not at the moment that is.

Without any warning, Miyuki charged at the Saint Beast at full speed, with her ice sword ready for a strike. Unfortunately, at each attempted to cut with her sharp ice, Suzaku just dodged it with ease. 

Seeing that this won't do much, Miyuki took another swing, but this time she manipulated her ice sword into a water whip that managed to catch the demon by the neck and pull him close, getting the perfect chance to kick him in the stomach

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Seeing that this won't do much, Miyuki took another swing, but this time she manipulated her ice sword into a water whip that managed to catch the demon by the neck and pull him close, getting the perfect chance to kick him in the stomach. Suzaku landed, rolling on in the dust, grunting.

Miyuki jumped back as she placed her Kunai back to her bag, while her the water circled around her like a floating ring.

"Very nice." The clone of the Saint Beast commented as he got back to his feet with one hand on his stomach. The water bender girl didn't give Suzaku much chance to recover. Instead, she punched into her water ring, making ice bullets come out of the water. 

The sharp ice bullets targeted the demon, but Clone Suzaku managed to just punch them each into little pieces

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The sharp ice bullets targeted the demon, but Clone Suzaku managed to just punch them each into little pieces. One managed to cut his cheek, and that angered him. The demon lifted up his fist. His index and middle finger stretched out and now charged up with a powerful blast of orange lightning orb. Miyuki jumped up in the air and did a tornado kick that sent a huge water blast toward Suzaku, who immediately turned it into thin air with the help of his lightning. As the steam cleared out of Suzaku's way a smug smirk made his way up to his face when his gaze caught the look of shock and terror on Miyuki's face.

'Crap. . .' The girl thought to herself at that very moment as she froze in her position.

"Impressive isn't it, my dear?" Asked the Suzaku clone smoothly, snapping Miyuki out of her small trance as her eyes narrowed with disgust.

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