CH32 - Under the Water

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The small group of friends carried themselves deeper into the forest. Ruby was on the lead while Kuwabara closed the line. He was looking around rapidly like in any minute something would attack in any second now. The others were also wary, but not that paranoid. Either way, no one dared to say a word for a long while-.

"Ah man, if this is unbelievable." Yusuke complained as a huge yawn escaped through his mouth. "I wish I got more sleep though."

"I wonder how Keiko will react once she finds out we disappeared again. . ." Miyuki thought out loud, making her brother go pale while a yelp escaped from him.

"Uh-oh, I totally forgot about her. " He said in a panicked voice.

"Don't worry Yusuke, I am sure Botan will explain it to her." Ruby reassured as she turned around to face the male spirit detective.

"Well, I hope you're right." The teen replied as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "I hate to pull out another Houdini on her like last time."

"Let's keep our personal information as quietly as we can." The redheaded fox demon said with a serious tone. "There might be a chance that someone is listening to us and maybe, later on, use that small information against us."

"Like Suzaku did with Keiko. . ." Miyuki quietly concluded earning a small nod of agreement from Kurama. Now realizing this, the black-haired girl lowered her head down in shame, because she had already made that mistake without thinking. She even scolded at herself for letting her mind slip into the moment of carelessness.

"But why are we even in the beginning of the forest from the get-go?" Kuwabara asked. "Why didn't that portal thing just you know-. " Not wanting anything bad to happen, to Miyuki's displeasure she quickly slapped her hand over Kazuma's mouth. Kuwabara sent the girl an annoyed look while his cheeks heat up by the fact that his previous crush's hand is sealing his lips shut.

"As Rosehead said, that magician might listen to every word that comes out of our mouth, so don't you freaking give him any funny ideas, got it?!" She pointed out while giving Kazuma a threatening look that made the orange-haired guy shut up.

"R-right." Stammered the blushing Kazuma as Miyuki slowly removed her small hand from the teen thug's mouth. Once it was finally off of him Miyuki immediately pulled out a small amount of water from her bota bag to wash her hands from her actions.

"Ew. . . " She silently murmured to herself. Hiei's ears caught that, making him roll his eyes at the female Spirit Detective.

Back in the Ruins of Zankoku's castle, the sorcerer was watching the intruders coming with his daughters kneeling before his throne.

"Shall we greet them, father?" Asked one of the daughters in a sickly wicked and sweet tone as her golden eyes gleamed under the shadow's cover.

"There is no need for that my dear Mara." Said the father cooly. "For the time being at least." With that Zankoku turned back to his staff's crystal ball to see the Spirit Detectives and their friends reaching the river that is known as the Tears of Lost Souls. A playful and wicked smirk began to paint it's way up to the demon man's face as his fingers with long claws and two golden nail guards on his pinky and ring finger twirled around the crystal ball's surface that soon began to sparkle like the lake that the small team is about to reach.


"Oh, would you look at that, some nice and refreshing water." My dimwit of a brother commented sarcastically. "Just what I needed."

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