CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts

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"What is the meaning of this?!" The sorcerer boomed as he now got the update from his daughters that they got four out of the six intruders. "Didn't I tell you to catch them all!?"

"We tried father!" Kata tried to convince. "But that Fire Demon was too fast-."

"ENOUGH WITH THE EXCUSES!" Zankoku snapped before tapping the floor harshly with the end of his staff, creating a small spark of electricity that made Kata slightly flinch while her sister smirked under her mask.

"Out of all people, you should've known better to never get the job done in halfway." The father figure coldly said as he retired to his throne and sat down on it, his cape thrown to the right side.

"I'm sorry father." The woman in the blue uniform quickly apologized. "I promise I will never do it again." Zankoku scanned his daughter as his cold eyes were slightly glowing in a threatening way.

"You should be lucky that I am generous." He spoke up after a long intense pause.

Kata flinched at her father's fury, which is not only shown on his features and gestures, but she can also feel it hanging in the air. The sign of her fear made her sister grin wickedly to herself, now finally witnessing Kata's showing the sign of weakness.

"But you should also consider yourself lucky to even have a life in this palace, if it wasn't for your mother's plea and begging." Zankoku icily continued, making Kata feel the pain bubbling up inside her while her last part of her spirit started to crack like glass. Painfully slow that would make everyone suffer for eternity. "As for your punishment you will go and fetch up our last guests, but don't show up your face here again unless you have them both. Understood?!" His voice boomed like thunder while it sent the coldness of the winter inside the huge throne room.

"Y-yes, father." Kata eventually replied with a slight stutter. "I won't let you down." She stammered, her composure slowly coming back, but her stuttering voice still betrayed her.

"You better." Her father replied harshly. "Now both of you, out of my sight." Then he suddenly paused. "Oh, and Kata. check that little water-bender as well before leaving."

"Of course, father." Kata replied politely as she and her sister finally left from the throne room and began walking in the long and huge hall.

"Have fun with your little mouse game sister dear." Mara taunted, making Kata look at her sister annoyed.

"Be grateful that I didn't rant you out on your failure." The blue-uniformed woman barked back, making Mara roll her eyes at Kata. Yes, after capturing Kuwabara and Ruby, she went to look for her sister, only to see her attack Hiei, a demon who protected a human girl. Needless to say, she found it strange because from her knowledge demons hate humans, yet this one protected one. . . a sign of security and kindness that she had never seen from others, other than her own mother. . .

"Like it would make any difference." The purple uniformed woman replied smoothly. "We will finish them off anyway and soon, there will be no one who will stop us from taking over the realms again."

"But. . ." Kata began hesitantly. "It sounds so wrong. . . Destroying every living being and literally turn-."

"Just stop it okay?!" Mara suddenly blurred out. "You sound just like mother. A big softy. A coward who always lets others step on her like a carpet instead of standing up above others and embrace her powers. You're weak, just like her and Suzaku. "

"Don't you dare, talk about them in that way!" Kata shot back, her eyes on fire that was lit up by fury and disgust.

"What?" Mara asked in an innocent and sweet tone. "It is true. Our brother was a weakling. He would have been stronger, even become someone worthy of honor if it wasn't for mother. Now look at yourself. You'll become just like them. A failure."

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