CH10 - Eye to Eye

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In the middle of the full moon, a figure was standing on a rooftop. Two of his eyes were closed but he was still able to see everything that happened, thanks to his third eye, the Jagan.

'Their mistakes were simple ones.' He thought out loud. 'Gouki's was overconfidence, and Kurama's sympathy for his human prey.'

Under his black cloak, he pulled out a sword that shined under the faith moonlight.

'I certainly won't make the same mistakes.' Said the demon as the sword's blade reflected his determined expression. 'My plan is too good for that.' His crimson orbs then looked up above the crystal clean blade.

'It's better this way.' Hiei thought. 'The other two wouldn't have the courage to use the weapons as they intended. I will. But first. . .'

He then jumped up into the mid-air and strikes with his sword.

'I'll kill Yusuke and Miyuki Urameshi!'

With his new mission as his last words, he vanished without a trace.

The next morning both Spirit Detectives and Botan were on the school's rooftop in the early morning. Yusuke was leaning against the fence while the girls were sitting on top of the entrance, but not next to each other.

"I'm still having nightmares about that Gouki guy and most nights I don't even dream." Yusuke said as he was rubbing his cheek where now the injury is completely gone. "I got to say though, your hand thing really worked. Without that trick, I'd be limping around for six more months."

"They're just basic healing powers." Botan explained it like it was nothing. "All the good Spirit Detectives assistance have them."

"Hn, and do all assistance like to wear school uniforms too?" Miyuki asked as she turned the page to the next chapter. "Or you just like the little naïve girl look?"

"Though I'd fit the part if I'm going to follow you two around school all day." Botan smiled as she began playing with the collar of her uniform. "Isn't it adorable?" Miyuki cringed mentally at that ridiculous statement.

"Whatever you say." Yusuke mumbled not really caring about it.

"Oh, I almost forgot." The blue-haired girl jumped down to Yusuke's level.

"What?" Asked the teen boy while his sister turned to their direction.

"About Kurama. His case was reviewed by the punishment board and with Miyuki's witness and report, Koenma has decided to release him on good behaviour."

"That's great." Yusuke said with happiness in his tone while Miyuki nodded her head, hiding that relieved smile behind the open book.

"All we got to do now is get back that last treasure, and we still got three days from that monster guy. " Said the brother figure. "What's his name again?"

"Hiei." Answered Miyuki earning the other's attention. "And by the looks of things, he is going to be a bit of a challenge."

"Miyuki is correct." Botan agreed with concern in her pinkish eyes. "He's the toughest one by far. Both cunning and ruthless, he'll do anything to get what he wants."

At that, Miyuki thought for a second.

'Not just that.' She thought out loud. 'The last time I saw him he was quite a fighter. Incredible speed and the way he uses the Shadow Sword, he probably trained swordsmanship on an extended level. But his spirit energy, however, is a different story. . . ' As she analysed the enemy the door under her feet slam opened. The black-haired girl looked down with her chocolate brown eyes and looking at her brunette friend Keiko who was looking for Yusuke. With quick thinking, Botan hid behind Yusuke.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now