CH54 - The Demon Triad

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"Which of you strapping lads will I have the pleasure of fighting first?" Asked the other Miyuki flirtatiously, making me roll my eyes mentally.

"No way, you're a girl!" Stupid Carrot-Top exclaimed in total disbelief. "We can't fight girls, it's against my code! Come on guys let's just walk past her."

Is this guy for real?!

"Oh, a gentleman." The demon woman stated sarcastically. "A pawn of insecure males seeking to own their women."

"Woah-woah, I don't know anything about that okay?!" Kuwabara said as he backed away. "Guys just don't fight girls!" I let out a small frustrated sigh before stepping out to the front.

"I'll handle it." I informed everyone bluntly.

"Wha-? Are yous serious Miyuki?" Carrot Top asked me.

"Shut your face!" I snapped at him, getting a little pissed off by this point. "She is a fighter and she is in our way. In real fights, gender or age doesn't freaking matter. An opponent is an opponent and you will fight with everything you have to survive. As 'honourable' as your stupid code sounds, it's also disrespectful to women who are fighting for their rights. So do me a favour and shut the hell up!" With that, I began to approach the other Miyuki but kept my distances.

"A feisty one I see." Lavender hair said smugly. "I love it." Then she jumped back into a stance. "It's an equal playfield and anything goes! "

"Hn." I scoffed before I grabbed my leather pouch and threw it in Yusuke's direction.

"Wah, hey, don't you need that?!?!" Kuwabara freaked out because he knew I always use water for my attacks. I said nothing and just waited for the demon to attack. Eventually, she jumped up and was ready to strike, but I made a dive roll while tripping the woman in the mid-air.

When I did that, however, my eye caught something from that split second

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When I did that, however, my eye caught something from that split second. Something that I wish I had never seen it.

Of course, that made me stay in my crouched down position and cover my mouth with my hand.

Needless to say, I was a bit taken off guard because I really didn't see that coming. And I wanted to keep that way.


"What?" I hear that demon demand. "Can't fight anymore?" She or he taunted with a smirk on her lip. I looked at her with a glare but then I feel myself go sly as a dirty trick came into my mind. I might hate myself to do so but this is a fight. And in many fights, people tend to play dirty.

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