CH7 - The three Yokai

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The Urameshi siblings finally arrived at the uptown right after getting the weapons Miyuki had kept hidden in her room. As the two were walking they took a good look at the surroundings.

"All these rich kids." Yusuke mumbled as he watched the many wealthy people coming out of different malls or just walk around to show off their newest fashionable clothes.

"All shopping." The boy ranted on grumpily. "How does Koenma expect us to find them in this mess?" He asked no one in particular as he walked over the nearby bench and lied down on it while Miyuki kept looking around.

"Some help he was." He complained before changing the pitch of his voice. " 'We think they're somewhere in uptown', he says."

Miyuki let out a small inhale, but it was soon caught up in her throat as her eyes widen in alarm. She looked up in the sky, only to see it turn crimson red all of the sudden.

"Hello, that feels a little awkward." Yusuke said as he also noticed the sudden change.

Without saying another word Miyuki ran away.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?!" Yusuke got up from the bench and ran after her, only to see a small crowd gathering around something across the street. Yusuke shoved through the people and now he was right next to his sister, watching the little unconscious boy who was wearing a blue sweatshirt and has brown hair that matched with his eyes. He was in the man's arms, eyes open wide but limp like a rag doll. Then the brother and sister saw his face turning blue while the light in his orbs suddenly died down. After that, a small pure white smoke came through his lips and flew away.

That's when the two detectives realized this must be the Orb of Baast doing, meaning one of the criminals is nearby. As the small spirit began to fly away, the sky turned back to normal.

"I think that's what people call a lead." Yusuke said before him and his sister started to run after it. The small soul cloud suddenly turned at the next corner where and ally was.

Unfortunately, after the long run, they not only lost their lead, but they also ended up in that part of the town where all of the hooligans, thugs were. Windows are broken or boarded up along with many doors and shady peoples leaning on walls or sitting on the ground drinking or just resting.
Yusuke didn't like this one bit, and neither did his little sister.

"This way." She said as she led the way, deeper into the dark and deserted area.

"Uptown sure become downtown quickly." Yusuke commented as he looked around the place. Accidentally he bumped into his sister's back who was as stiff as a board.

"What is it sis?" The Urameshi boy asked but Miyuki didn't say anything, but with her head she pointed at a guy that had a built-up body and was sitting on a crate.

"We found our target." Miyuki whispered to her brother who narrowed his eyes at the figure, only to realize he wasn't actually human.

"It's a monster!" He said before taking out his spy glass and look at the disguised demon.

"There it is! The orb thingy." The Spirit Detective informed his sister who nodded her head in agreement. Their criminal let out a huge yawn before getting up and leaving the area.


"Here it goes." Yusuke said as I nodded my head at it. However, before we can catch our culprit someone grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Hey little miss, you got some cash for me?" Asked a man with blue fuzzy hair and black eyes that were hungrily scanning my form.

"Sorry minor league, but we don't have time for you." Replied my brother as he grabbed onto me and pulled away from the man's grasp. However, he didn't like the answer and his buddies also joined in.

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