CH40 - The moment of truth

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"It's nice to finally meet you in person, Miyuki The Spirit Detective." The bastard greeted me with a smooth and cool voice that made my stomach do a flip. Ugh, his voice, it reminded me so much of Suzaku and I hate it so much.

"Well last time I checked, you almost killed me!" I spit it out with a low growl as one hand reached for my knives.

"Yes, and looks like I made a mistake by not doing that from the start." Zankoku replied as he got up from his throne and began to cautiously walk down from the marvel stairs.

"Is that suppose to make me feel better?" I sarcastically asked as I pull out two kunais and grasping them in each of my hands. As I stared at the magician most of the time but occasionally, I would take small glances from my surroundings in case if I see something that I can probably use for this fight.

"No, but you will feel 'better' once I finish you off." The magician added sternly as he hit the bottom of his staff into the floor. "I first thought about just bringing you and your friends here and finish you off, but after seeing how you all battle with my creatures and my daughter, Mara, I knew you will be dangerous. However, you and your little friends' strength are nothing compared to what I and my Mara possess."

"So why only bring me?!" I demanded. Heck, this whole situation is so stupid. I mean seriously, why couldn't he just finish us off if he wanted to get rid of us so badly in the very first place. Is every villain thinks this is some kind of child's play?

"Well, ever since I first set eyes on you, I noticed something." Zankoku began making me rose an eyebrow at him while my heart began to pound uncomfortably between my ribcages by anxiety.

Did. . . did he realize that. . . ?

"Sure you don't seem as strong as your little teammates, but I am indeed curious about how in the world did you, a little human girl like yourself have the power to defeat Suzaku." The magician observed, making me let out a sigh of relief in secret-.

Wait, what? Did he assume that I was the one that killed his son?

I was about to shot at him the truth, but fast I decided against it, not wanting to give my brother more trouble he is already in with the others and that psycho bitch.

"Then why don't we let the fight decide it Big Mustache?" I taunted as my arms moved, summoning the water from my leather pouch. It flew out and crawled onto my knives, creating the long ice blades. I see that bastard smugly smirks at me.

God, now I can see the family resemblance with big ego and all. Something that I wish to erase for good.

"As I said before, you got some guts." Zankoku said with an amused chuckle as his gem on his crown began to glow. The crystal on his staff began to glow as well making me realize something.

His crown. It must be the source of his magic.

Maybe. . .

"A small water-bender girl versus the King of Nightmares who has many tricks under his sleeves, including the power to control all four elements." He informed me casually, making me tense up a little, but I quickly recovered. Okay, he might have the upper hand, but he is also foolish enough to share this small information with me.

"Hn. Might as well bring out that wand of yours Professor Snape." I commented, making Zankoku chuckle at the human girl, amused.

"You are a funny one, that's for sure." The man said before raising up his staff high and flames began to take over the magical objects' entire surface. The fire spread onto Zankoku's clothes, leaving only the pants, but turn his cape, shirt into ashes.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now