CH1 - Changing minds

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The sun has retired from its daily duty and now it was the full moon that took over its job. By the beginning of that, mom and I managed to set everything up. It's still hard to believe that this is happening. I never ever wanted to be at my own brother's funeral at a time like this. . . 

. . . This early. . . .

As I sat next to my mother I watched the people walk in and out, telling their prayers or share some words with my brother. I felt sick of my stomach because most of the people were from Sarayashiki Junior High where Yusuke and I were studying. My classmates were also here, but even though my eyes didn't saw them my ears detected their laughter and somewhat cheerful and relieved voices.

This made my stomach do a flip as I was gritting my teeth in secret.

These jerks disgusted me in many level, but my anger toward those so-called 'classmates ' was nothing compared to the anger I felt toward myself.

Life is so short, but it's worth living for. That's what most people say. But what's the point of living it when so many would die unfairly and so soon anyway. Some would argue that 'Maybe it was meant to be' but I don't believe in that much, because let's be frank here, that's a lot of bull crab in most of these cases.

Like the one, I had witnessed from two or three years ago.

First him, and now my brother next. The only thing I don't understand is how did this even happen in the first place? But more importantly, how did I let this happen right under my nose? How could I?

It seemed just like a few hours ago that I had last seen him heading outside because as usual, he was not in the mood for attending class.

'Damn you Miyuki! You could have prevented him from doing something stupid, but you didn't!' I scolded at myself in my mind as my hands curled up into fists, my nails dug onto my skirt's fabric.

But then a sobbing of someone brought me back to reality. I lifted my face that had the blank and emotionless mask I would usually wear in front of people, and looked at the source of the voice. A brunette girl with long hair separated in pigtails along with sad hazel orbs that are crying the salty tears that would be enough for creating one river.

'Keiko.' I called her name in my mind as I felt the sorrow deepen within me, even though my expression was as empty as a blank canvas.

I watched her two friends lead her outside, but before they were completely out of my sight one of them gave me a stink eye like I was the one that made her friend upset.

I let out a breath as I kept on watching the people come in and out.

"Come on, let's go back! This isn't right!" "SHUT UP! LET GO OF ME WOULD YA?!?" Two voices shouted at each other. I turned to the entrance to take a better look at the conflict, but who came in next was the only person I least expected.

'What? Kuwabara?' I couldn't believe it with my own eyes. What is that punk doing here?!

"Dam you!" The guy with orange hair and light blue uniform called angrily as his hand finally got the door frame. His loud and irritating voice caught many people's attention. "You think you can just back down cause you're scared!" Kazuma continued on as the teen thug from my school pushed himself over to Yusuke's casket. I didn't say anything, only watched the entire scene unfold before my eyes.

"Kuwabara, this place is for mourning. " Reminded one of his friends as he tried to pull his leader away from the area.

"I'm not gonna leave, not until he comes out here and lets me fight him!" Kuwabara didn't care and just kept pushing himself to go further and further.

"He can't do that!" Another one of the gang members said as he was holding onto his leader's shoulders.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now