CH3 - Like brother like sister

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It was a nice and peaceful afternoon near at the building of Sarayashiki Junior High. Yusuke and Botan were floating in the air above Keiko and Miyuki who were walking on the street.

"I think I can feel this thing kicking." Yusuke said in amazement as he was staring at his golden egg.

"Maybe it's practicing to devour you." Botan teased the spirit boy.

"No, not this little guy." Yusuke said as he began stroking the egg like it was his baby. "He was growing on nothing but good vibes from me. I've been on my best behaviour."

"Well, we'll see." Botan said.

"This ordeal is tough though." Said Yusuke as he put the egg away. "I mean as hard as trying, I can't think of a damn good thing to do." He whined, clearly bored out of his mind as he watched his little sister and childhood friend from afar.

"Now I don't think you'll become a good Samaritan just by following your sister and the girl you've got a crush on." Botan reminded the boy. Her last sentence made Yusuke snap at the young Grim Reaper.

"I don't have a crush on Keiko." The boy defended himself. "We're just friends." The excuse made Botan giggle at the now pouting teen. "I just feel something bad is going to happen to them."

"I get why you have a bad feeling." Botan said as she began smiling widely but in a teasing matter. "It's called will Keiko like another boy while Miyuki finds her first love." Yusuke growled at the blue-haired girl but then suddenly Keiko let out a scream which got their attention fast. They looked down to see three thugs standing in front of Miyuki with Keiko hiding behind her in fright.

"Hey, this is a toll road ladies." The tallest person said. "Give us five hundred dollars and we'll let you pass by."

"Or I'm sure we could find other ways for you two to pay." Said the other with a mask over his mouth. His eyes hungrily eyeing the girls' body which didn't go unnoticed by the young Urameshi girl.

"Leave us alone." Keiko pleaded as she cowered backward, but she refused to leave because she didn't want Miyuki to deal with these people. Yusuke infuriated flew over and raised his fist up in the air, ready for killing those guys.

"BASTARDS!" He shouted and now he was close enough to hit them, but as usual, it went through the people's face.

"Maybe I'll let you see what's under my mask." The masked guy said as he walked closer to Miyuki.

"That's easy, bad breath along with an asshole that you call a mouth." Miyuki commented unfazed by the guys' threatening looks.

"You should watch your tongue little girl." The third member of the gang warned. "It would be a shame to hurt that pretty face of yours."

"Save your breath. You'll probably need it to blow up your next date. " The black-haired girl continued on with a deadpan. "Also don't you have better things to do? Because you already wasted an entire lifetime to be a jerk."

"Why you little bitch!" The thug finally had enough of it and grabbed Miyuki by the collar.

"Miyuki!" Keiko cried out in fear while Yusuke watched it all unfold helplessly and angrily.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The Urameshi girl apologized half-heartedly with a little bit of sarcasm. "I didn't know I care."

"HEY! TAKE YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF MY SISTER!" Yusuke shouted as he went for another punch-.

"Hands off!" A voice yelled behind the girls that caught the group of thugs' attention. Everyone turned to the voice's source. It was Kuwabara and his gang.

"Uh, Kuwabara." Yusuke murmured as the said gang leader got closer to the bad guys. The thug with the mask released his grasp from Miyuki who immediately backed away, but stayed in front of Keiko to protect her.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now