CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2

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Miyuki and the girls came rushing out of the store, only to witness the show in front of them that is known as chaos and distress. People running around, screaming, crying, some were injured or on the ground passed out, but thankfully most of them were smart enough to get out of the place and from the source of the whole destruction.

A figure was standing in the middle with a crazed look on his face. A face that represented sick madness. His hair was like winter fire. The orbs were scarlet red. The veins around the eyes popped out and coloured with the same blood-red colour, and his lips, they held a sinister smile on his face while his hand was grasping onto Yusuke's neck who was helplessly trying to free himself from the chokehold.

"You never learn, do you Detective? " Taunted the demonic creature as his devilish grin widened to the point that his razor-sharp teeth were showing.

"What gave the idea old man?" The boy Spirit Detective retorted back sarcastically as he tried to claw the skin off of his enemy's arm, in some attempt to get away from him.

"Hmpf, no matter how old you are, your bairn will forever remain as the size of a pea." The demon darkly said as his fingers began to squeeze the little boy's neck. "Why should I be surprised in the slightest? You're a human after all. And those demon traitors. . . heh . . . They are not even worth to spit on." He added as he head turned to the redhead and fire demon who were all tied up, along with Kuwabara by some sort of dark spell that surrounded the two. "Say goodbye to your career, Yusuke Urameshi!" With that, he threw him away.

Just as Yusuke's ten-year-old body was about to hit the wall, his sister came in time to rescue. She jumped off of the first floor's balcony edge and flew toward her brother. Miyuki wrapped her arms around Yusuke's small frame and held him tight. The siblings managed to get to a safe place, but to the female figure's luck, she was the one that took the harsh impact of the landing. They bounced and rolled on the solid surface like three times. On the fourth one, the girl's arms went limp and let go of Yusuke, who rolled out of the embrace. The boy was upon his knees and forearms, but as soon as he saw Miyuki lying on the ground, his strength suddenly came back.

"SIS!" Yusuke cried out in worry as he rushed to the black-haired girl who rolled onto her back and let out a groan in pain. "You're okay there?"

"I just jumped off of a balcony and landed on this dirty floor like I am a freaking ball, almost costing a leg or arm, what do you think pipsqueak? " The sister figure sassed as she lifted herself up and try her very best to ignore her aching body.

"Heh, glad to see your humour is the same." Yusuke retorted as he helped his sister stand.

"Hn. Screw you." Miyuki told him half-heartedly with her eyes rolling in annoyance.

"Heh, screw you too Miyu." The brother figure jokingly back, knowing this kind of exchange way too well from the good old days. A way to tell how they 'love' each other.

"URAMESHI!" Kuwabara's sudden scream of yell snapped the two out of their small conversation. "Agh! A little help here!" He asked his friend while he and the others were floating in the air by their criminal.

"On it!" Yusuke said as he prepared his signature finger gun at the demon once more.

"It won't work on me, little boy. Just like last time, remember?" Reminded the evil yokai as he lifted his free hand that now held an orb of red flames. "Now say goodbye to your little friends here!" While that sentence Miyuki saw the large ceiling lights that were hanging right above them. She then looked down at her hand as her memory led to that particular one moment when she found out about her second gift.

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