CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck

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Yusuke's exhausted body was lying on the floor. As he was gritting his teeth a small amount of blood dripped out of the corner of his lips.

"Has Yusuke been beaten?" Botan asked shakily as Kazuma was trembling with anger and worry.

"What a shame." Kazemaru said smugly earning daggers from Miyuki for a split second before turning back to the two fighters. Shorin looked surprised while Genkai held a stone face, not showing any trace of emotions.

The male Spirit Detective forced one eye open to look at his opponent who was standing before him with his lips curled up into a cocky smirk.

"If you say you give up, I'll let you live." Kibano said chuckling inside.In the Spirit World Koenma and his ogres' watched the entire fight intensely. Yusuke struggled his way back onto his feet. As soon as he got up, he wiped the blood from the edge of his mouth. 

"Oh well, guess you'll just have to kill me. " Yusuke growled at the adult who smirked at the reckless punk boy.

"Ouuh, acting with reckless arrogance that only a kid could have." Kibano said with a mad grin as Yusuke shifted into a stance. "You lost a lot of energy. I know, cause it's hard to see you in my mask."

That small information made the fire inside Miyuki's eyes lit up with realization.

"Yusuke can't go on like this." Botan said.

"You better not die, darn it!" Kuwabara shouted at him as his hand balled up into a fist.

"Kibano is wrong about my brother." Miyuki suddenly said earning the teens and Genkai's attention, even though she didn't look at her new pupil directly.

"What do you mean?" The other water-bender besides Miyuki asked curiously.

"As you mentioned earlier Botan, every armour has its weak points." Miyuki began explaining. "With the helmet sure, he can see Yusuke still, but now it's clear that it's limited by what that fool expects."

"Correct theory Miyuki." Genkai continued on, now turning the kids' attention to the Master of the tournament. "In a normal person sure, power would have gone down such an attack, so that's what Kibano sees, but this brat's spirit energy has a very unique wavelength. It responds to desperation by getting stronger."

"In other words, there is a chance that he can win this, right Master?" Ruby asked with a small hint of hope in her eyes because she had been rooting for Yusuke to win this so in that way she can get to know him better along with his sister. Genkai nodded at the water bender girl before speaking up again. "He could win if he could see. . ."

"Yes, if he could see." Miyuki repeated the words under her breath as she looked at her brother than at his opponent. Then suddenly something caught her eyes. A small orb thing, glowing. She squished her eyes for a better look.

It was Genkai's cigarette. Yusuke noticed it too and soon the two siblings' minds clicked in sync. The two gasped silently at the idea that both their minds held at that very moment.

'Hang on, there is an idea.' Yusuke thought as he looked at the direction of the cigarette. "If only I can get him closer I-." As his hand managed to pick it up while looking at the darkness Kibano reappeared and sent another huge punch to Yusuke.

"I'll try to make this quick." The green haired man said as his fist made contact with the thug's cheek. However, he stood his ground and locked Kibano's arm with his own elbow.

"Now it's over!" Yusuke stated sternly.

"What?!" Kibano exclaimed slightly shocked.

"See, this is all a part of my plan. Next, I am gonna to break your arm." Yusuke began explaining as his free hand began to move toward his belt, placing the cigarette into it without anyone else's notice. All expect Miyuki who let the smallest hint of a smirk dance it's way up onto her lips.

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