CH56 - One Last Mission

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The whole place was now silent beside the tapping of my footsteps that echoed around the hall. While walking, I notice some bodyguards lying on the floor unconscious.

'Huh.' I hummed to myself thoughtfully. 'Well, I guess Hiei also had his fair share of taking care of some things.'

Suddenly I feel my wrist warm-up a little.

"What do you want?" I ask my friend as I turned on my heels to look at him. He didn't say much, but as he was walking toward me, I can tell that from his eyes that there was something.

"Is. . . something wrong?" I asked him a little hesitantly as I was trying to read him. So far, I got nothing. Until. . . he looked away from me. . . Shyly?

I rose an eyebrow at that sudden gesture. Hiei took a deep inhale as a small frustrated expression painted its way upon his face.

"I am not going to repeat myself so listen carefully." He finally started. I mentally rolled my eyes at his bluntness. But what I wasn't prepared for what he was about to say next.

"I'm sorry." He told me. I was stunned none the less. . . What. . . ? Is he really. . . apologizing. . . ?

"Uh. . . come again?" I asked a little puzzled, only to earn a small growl.

"I told you that I won't-!" He growled but then he caught himself. He took another deep breath and then to calm himself down. "Look, I want to. . . apologies for the way I treated you." Then there was a small sigh, that made my facial expression soften up. "I always had a hard time trusting people, but never in my life I had ever experienced. . . this. . ."

"Love?" I guessed questioningly.

"In my entire life, I was mostly alone." Hiei continued on with his explanation. "I was abandoned at birth, separating me from Yukina and my mother in the process, then I was raised by bandits only to be abandoned a few years later. I killed many demons, then vowed my revenge on the people who took my chance to be with my mother. But then time passed and I realized how they weren't even worth the trouble. That's where I find out about my mother's death and that I had a twin sister, Yukina."

"So that's why you got the Jagan eye?" I asked, only to get a weak nod from him.

"That's how I got to the living world and met Kurama by chance." Hiei then stepped closer, our chest almost touching but his eyes looked deeply into mine. "However, after getting that third eye, I began to dream about someone. . . you. . . but I didn't know about it until that very day when that so-called destiny marked us." Then he turned to the side and just looked away from me like. . . he was ashamed or something, but even though his face didn't show it. . . I somewhat felt it. . . Strangely. . . "I didn't want to believe in. . . No. . . I couldn't."

"Because you're afraid. . ." I breathed under my breath, but I guess it was loud enough for him to hear it. "You were afraid that I would, later on, reject you like those who raised you. And you're also afraid that Yukina would do the same once she finds out about your past. . ." I let out a small sigh as I took one step forward and place a hand on Hiei's shoulder. "Hiei, I am sure she will be more than happy that you're finally there for her, regardless of what you did in the past."

"Hn, how do you know that for sure, Little Detective?" Hiei asked a little harshly, still being a stubborn ass about this new concept. I can't really blame him though. . . He is just like me in some way. . .

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