CH46 - Blind Love

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My eyes fluttered open, but everything looked a little blurry. Blinking a few times my vision cleared with no time, however, it didn't make the exhaustion go away along with the soreness that just struck every inch of my muscles.

Wait a minute. I am sleeping in a bed.

Where the hell am I? The last time I checked, I was with Kurama and the Detective, fighting with that demon, and then everything went black. With all my might I lifted myself up from my lying position. I looked at my surroundings. . .

Is it just me or everything looks so much bigger?

Kicking the covers off of me I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and then jumped down. 

Once I landed on the wooden surface, I finally realized what was wrong. My hands looked small along with my feet and my height. Instantly I went over to the mirror that was on the wall and in an instant, my heart just dropped.

"What in the hell is this?!?" I exclaimed in fury and shock as I examined my five-year-old form closer. This is absolutely ridiculous. How in the world did this even happen?

"I see you're awake." A familiar voice said beside me. I turned to the source only to see a smaller version of Kurama. His features were the same besides his short hair.

"Kurama?" I asked, flabbergasted by his new appearance.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"What is going on? What happened back in the mission?" I demanded, not even bothering to tell him about my condition. "And what happened to me?"

"Well, it turns out our target was a bit more of a challenge for us three, and the moment we got knocked out, we woke up like this." The fox explained.

"Hn." I scoffed as I turned away from my partner. "Where are we?"

"In Genkai's and Yara's temple." Kurama replied to me. "Thankfully the girls found us in time and brought us here." I mutely nod my head and turn away from the mirror. From the corner of my eyes, I notice a small black bag on top of the bedside table. I walked over to it to take a better look. That was the kunai bag that belongs to the Little Detective. My hand reached up to it, but I wasn't even tall enough to get it.

Okay, this is getting ridiculous.

"Need any help Hiei?" I hear that stupid fox chuckled with amusement.

"No!" I bluntly told him off as I finally managed to jump high enough to get that bag.

"What are you planning on with it?" Kurama asked.

"Giving it to that Little Detective. " I sternly answered as I wobbled my way over to the door with my now small legs which I still didn't get used to. "She will probably need it." When I turned to face the ten-year-old fox I saw the knowing look on him, which kind of irritated me.

"What?" I snapped at him just as I pushed the door open by sliding it to the side.

"Oh, nothing Hiei." Was all I got before he walked out of the room I was in, leaving me alone once again. Shaking my head rapidly I left as well, using the speed that my now young body has. Since I didn't get used to it, my legs got tangled many times, making me trip a few times.

Why am I even doing this?

'Stupid woman.' I can't help but think of it. 'Making me care about her. . .' The thought sounded really stupid. Again I violently shake my head, to get it out and just be done with it. I was already outside with her property.

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