CH43 - A Heart to Heart

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After this little 'story-time', everyone left home. I stayed in the hospital wing since I was not fully well. As much as I hated bed rest, I succumbed because I don't want Ruby and the boys to worry about me.

Well, Hiei is probably not really worried about me. . . . For Heaven's sake why do I even care if he is worried about me or not.

The only reason why he even saved me probably because Koenma forced him to or that I am a somewhat worthy opponent to fight with and once he was done he would just throw me again like yesterday's garbage. Either of those reasons made me feel upset for some reason but I don't know why. . .

Why do I even care about these stupid things!?

Stupid emotions and these stupid Phoenix powers!

Probably another reason on Hiei's care list- OKAY MIND, YOU CAN SHUT UP NOW!

Why is this happening to me?

The very thought of Hiei just makes my mind go crazy. My heart would also go on a marathon. That very thought made my right hand go up to my chest as if, it wants to feel the heartbeat. . .

This felt so strange. . . but also . . . right and familiar. . . The very last time I felt this way when I was with Sanyu. . .

With many thoughts racing through my mind, the eyelid that was once up, it closed, and right after that, I was out like a light.

The next thing I knew, I woke up in a dark place. I was in the white nightgown I had slept in it along with the bandages that covered my entire left arm and right forearms. I lifted my hand up to my face and touched the right side of my face, feeling the bandages over there still. Frantically I was looking around this place-.

"No wonder you couldn't save that so-called friend of yours." A very familiar voice echoed around the place, making me feel like I am actually in a tunnel.

"Aren't you dead?!" I firmly asked, only to receive no direct answer from that cursed Gargamel but a smug reply.

"Sanyu was his name, I believe?" Zankoku's voice once again talked to me. Darting my eye left to right, I tried to find the source of the voice.

What's this? Is that bastard is in my mind or this is just the memories that I made at that cursed castle are trying to traumatize me?

Before I can theorize any further, my eye suddenly caught something that I never thought I would see. My breath was held back as my heart drop down into my feet.

There was a little boy.

Blueish black hair. That blue bandana around his head. . . Green t-shirt. . . And when he turned around I saw his innocent face. . . with those green eyes that matched with his big brother's. . .

"Sanyu. . . ?" I whispered out in total disbelief. I couldn't believe this. . . Never in these two years had ever got a chance to meet him in any of my dreams. . . not even once. . .

But now I see him. . . right here. . . right now. . .

I wanted to feel joy. . . happiness. . . but I felt none of it. . .

All I felt was pain. . . and guilt. . .

I hesitantly began to walk over, but then my legs suddenly changed their minds and began to broke into a spring. Before I know what was going on, I was running toward the little boy.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now