CH39 - It's combat time

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The Rock Golems took the next corner that would lead to the long and large hallways of the palace. There were three of them with one human in the middle. The two Golems were leading while the third held onto their prisoner who had been struggling within the guard's rocky grasp. Unfortunately, her fragile human body was too weak as her energy was wasted away. . . However, when they passed the next corner her dark- coffee-brown-like orbs suddenly caught the sight of a red rose that was placed in the female statue's hands which happened to be on the middle pillar. Suddenly, the air filled with eerie silence was now cold like in Antarctica. Ruby's eyes suddenly go wide with realization. Immediately, when that happened, a deadly sharp rose whip wrapped around the huge rocky forearms and disconnected them from their owner. As soon as those fell to the ground, Ruby was scot-free. Another Golem tried to catch her fragile form but, she vanished within a blink of an eye. 

The Rock creatures looked around confused, then out of nowhere, a huge wave of water washed over their giant bodies. The liquid did not only just splashed on them, it surrounded them. Caged them in a trap, but not another moment later, they were now inside a huge cube of ice with no escape or space to breathe.

The entire time, Ruby had her eyes shut tight. However, when here eyes opened up, she found herself in the arms of Hiei, who managed to get her before the Golems could. He placed her back on her feet while the boys rushed over to check on her.

"Are you okay Ruby?" The redheaded teen boy asked with pure concern on his face and in his tone. Ruby nodded her head as her answer.

"Guys. . ." The water-bender girl breathed out, completely relieved that her friends are safe and sound now. "You saved me. . ." She said with a dry and raspy voice. "Thank you . . ." She sent a grateful smile to each boys-.

"It's no problem miss." Kuwabara chimes in while flexing one of his arms and showed his proud grin on his face making a huge sweat drop roll down from the boys' head while Miyuki facepalmed.

"Alright, enough with the stupid prince charming crap Kuwa, let's get to that Magical Bastard!" Yusuke cuts in, earning small nods of agreement from his comrades.

"That door will lead us to my father's throne room." Kata informed as she pointed at the said huge door with golden decoration. "So brace yourselves." The female Spirit Detective nodded her head.

"Let's go!" Miyuki said, but as soon as she was about to turn her body towards the door-!

"LOOK OUT!" The redheaded boy cried out, but it was far too late to do anything. A gasp escaped through the said girl's lips when her eyes saw that small cloud of purple smoke appearing in front of her, but before the girl would even move an inch, she was hit in the stomach, then in the chest, pressing the very pressure points that made the girl's body go limp like some rag doll.

"MIYUKI!" All expect the fire demon screamed her name, but just like the rest, he watched in shock and worry as her body hit the floor with a loud thud.

'Damn it, not this again!' Miyuki and Hiei cursed in their minds as Mara stepped onto the female Spirit Detective's back with her high heels. Her eyes held smugness and confidence as each of her sai knives are resting in each of her grasps.

"Well-well-well, the traitor and her little boy band." The woman taunted with her sickly sweet voice as her gaze scanned each and every one of them while her high heels were pressed against Miyuki's back, hard. 

The team didn't hesitate for a second before they got into their fighting stance or pull out their weapon. Kata was one of them.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now