CH47 - Opening Up

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Yusuke got slapped in the back of his head by Genkai, who, as always took no crap from the boy.

"What was that for you old hag?!" Yusuke irritatedly cried out as he rubbed the spot which hurts. However, his suffering was far from over because the old lady pulled the ten-year-old figure by the ear. "OUCH! HEY!?"

"Just because you're a small whiny brat, doesn't mean you can be a lazy bump around here." Genkai barked back at her pupil, harshly pulling the boy's ear even more like many mothers would do, whenever their children get into trouble. "Now pull your head out of that sorry ass of yours and wash those dishes."

"Why me?!" Yusuke once again throw his hissy fit as he finally escaped from his master's grasp. 

"Why don't you ask Miyuki to do that?! She is a lot higher than I am at the moment."

"I won't." A new voice replied to his question, making him and Genkai turn to the mentioned person with her Water-bender partner by her side. "And neither will Ruby."

"Hey, what with the outfits?" Yusuke asked as he eyed the normal street clothing on the girls. "Are you two going somewhere?"

 "Are you two going somewhere?"

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[Ruby's outfit. Not my art, all credit goes to Scarlett-Knight on deviant art]

[Miyuki's outfit

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[Miyuki's outfit. Not my art, all credit goes to the original artist]

"We are." Ruby confirmed it as she hugged Miyuki's arm, her smile never leaving her face. "Botan and Keiko invited us for a girls' day out." Without anyone's notice, Kurama just came back from his small walk he had spent in Master Yara's and Genkai's garden.

"Can I come?" The black-haired boy asked in hopes of getting away from the chores Genkai had forced him to do.

"Absolutely not." His sister figure shut him down. "You and the boys stay there. As Ruby said, Keiko will be there and she will no doubt recognize you."

"Awh, but that's not fair." Yusuke ranted on angrily like a spoiled brat.

"Well, I think it's perfectly fair." Genkai corrected the boy before turning to the girls with a small hint of a smile dancing on her facial expression. "Be careful you two, and have fun. You earned it."

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