CH36 - Like Water and Fire

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I opened my groggy eyes as a huge groan escaped from my mouth. I feel like crap, no doubt, after trying to beat up a bunch of stupid living rocks, no wonder. Not to mention that Keiko was not there, but I swear I heard her.

I was about to leave, but then I noticed something odd. I feel my feet touching the ground, but they are chained down with iron cuffs while my body felt like it's being hanged by my wrist. It wasn't particularly bright here, but I still managed to see the dungeon I am in.

How nice to welcome guests like that, but I would prefer a nice warm bed with breakfast instead.

"Urameshi!" I hear someone call my name beside me. I turn around and see Kuwabara, also chained up in a way I am with Kurama beside him who seems out cold.

"Good morning to you too pal." I greeted Kuwabara sarcastically.

"This is no time for jokes!" Kuwa snapped at me angrily. "Ruby is in trouble and probably Miyuki as well."

"Speaking of the 'Raindrops', where are the girls?" I asked as I looked around our little chamber. 

Jeez, it looks like something that is brought straight out of a horror movie or something. On cue, fox boy awakes-.

"NO!" He cried out and looked around like someone would kill him or something. Well, it must have been one crazy nightmare.

"Glad you can finally join us Foxboy." I joked with a small chuckle, hoping that it would lighten up the mood, but looks like I just made it far worse. Wow, would you find me crazy if I tell I miss my sister's scowling at me at times when she is not around?

"Where are they?" Kurama asked in distress. "Where are Hiei and Miyuki?!"

"We don't know." Kuwa informed. "The last thing I remember was protecting Ruby from those rocks and then I got hit in the head. Then I woke up here. Ugh, speaking of the runt boy, did he got captured as well?"

"I'm not sure myself either." Kurama confessed as he looked down ashamed. "The last thing I remember was Miyuki's fall while I was defeated by one of those Golems. . ."

"And Hiei?" I asked as I feel the worry building up inside of me. I only got a shake of a head from the Foxy.

"Great, now what?" Kuwabara asked. What a stupid question, and even bold enough to ask it with that ugly face.

"What do you mean 'now what'?" I snapped at him as an eyebrow twitched with irritation. "We're getting out of these chains and kick some Wizard ass!" I stated the obvious and was ready to rip myself out of these stupid cuffs, but when I pulled them with everything I had, nothing worked. Well, I imagined this moment better in my mind.

I shook my head rapidly and tried again, but it was no use and it pisses me off.

"Damn it!" I growled out of frustration. "It looked so easy in movies!"

"So we're stuck. . ." Kuwabara stated, disappointed.

"I wonder. . ." I hear Kurama thought out loud. I watched him curiously. I see vines coming out of his hair and it began to wrap itself around those red locks, but then suddenly some sort of red energy zapped him. Kurama let out a short yell while that small flower turned into nothing more than ash.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kuwa asked our friend who looked hurt.

"I'm fine." Foxy grunted before looking at those cuffs on our feet and hands. "But it looks like we can't use our spirit powers since it's been restricted by some sort of spell."

"Say what?" Kuwabara and I asked in shock. You've got to be kidding me.

"That's right peasants." A new voice chimed in, making me turn to the source. The door made out of iron bars suddenly flung open, giving a chance to let two chicks in masks and swimsuits or warrior clothing walk in. They look hot I admit that, but they're also our enemies so I have no problem kicking their asses.

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