CH2 - Hope in the impossible

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{A/N: Miyuki Urameshi

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{A/N: Miyuki Urameshi. Art by me}


"So can you explain to me again about this place we are going to?" I asked the blue haired Grim Reaper once more since I still don't have any clue where we are going.

"The Spirit World." She repeated her answer that I had probably heard for like the millionth time, but that alone didn't tell me much about that place.

"Right, well what is that?" I tried again as I attempted to get a better hold of that paddle the girl was riding on.

"It's the realm where the people who live outside the living world exist, including the person who will explain to your ordeal." Botan explained but it was still confusing.

"And who is this stupid mystery man?" I asked her a little bit annoyed by this point. "If someone wants to say something, they should come to me." I mean it would be easier for many people.

"His name is King Enma." Botan replied. The answer made me taken aback a little.

"What?!" I shouted, clearly feeling the fear inside of me now. "Are we dealing with royalty now?"

"That's right Yusuke, and you would better not be foul-mouthed, or impolite around him like you usually are." Botan told me as she looked into my eyes with a serious look on her face. "He calls the shots and he could send you to oblivion forever if he wants to." She pointed one finger at my face.

"Woah, now wait a second! I think we should discuss this!" I began panicking as we suddenly began to speed toward a shining circle that looked like a white portal. Spinning around like a tornado and screaming full voice for a good amount of time we soon left through a massive layer of white clouds. As we shot out of them, we were now in a different area with a huge desert-like area coloured in a golden yellow colour, and there was also one long, zig-zagging river in the middle.

"Wow, everything's so big." I commented as I took a good look at my surroundings. "Is that the river Styx?" I asked the girl curiously.

"Well, of course." Botan nodded her head as we now reached the area where tall and purple rocks and mountains surrounded us from both of our sides.

"And just up ahead is the gateway of decisions." I look before me and now from afar, I can now detect that huge building with a very tall tower.

After a minute or so we landed onto a rocky path that was right in front of the large door.

"Oh man, what a pad. " I complimented in a bit of a daze since everything looked so huge, making me feel like a small bug.

"Botan here, I got a new arrival with me." Botan said loudly to the door and soon enough it opened up. Shivers were racing down my spines and, of course I freaked out as I saw the long hallway with two lines of poles all marched up straight on both sides. On the ceiling, the line of lamps was shaped like bones.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now