CH14 - Rise or Fall

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"Since he doesn't seem to be moving you'll just have to fight around him." Master Yara told everyone as Genkai nodded her head in agreement.

"Come on you two, let's close up the semi-finals." The pink-haired old lady said to the two remaining contestants who were about to fight. Kuwabara grinned widely as Shorin confidently walked into the field.

"It's ironic that out of all the fighters, Shorin was last on my list as a suspect." Botan said on my left side.

"Yeah, if you're gonna disguise yourself, why not look cooler." My brother said right after our assistant. I just squished my eyes at the young boy before speaking again.

"Not really." I said out loud. "I mean, why draw the attention on yourself in the first place. "

"If Shorin is in fact Rando. . ." Botan trailed off with a small hint of fear in her tone.

"Then Kuwabara is in big trouble." I finished her sentence. "That human hunter is out of his league, there is a huge chance that he won't survive this." My words must have affected Yusuke because he began to run toward Kazuma and stopped him from going into the fight.

"Hey, Kuwabara! Wait up!" My brother shouted catching Kazuma's attention.

"Don't try to give me your coaching advice Urameshi." Carrot top replied to Yusuke who grabbed the thug by his blue-collar. I see him whisper something to Kazuma, probably about being careful with our suspect.

"I don't care who he is!" Of course, the stupid carrot head would yell and be stubborn about this fair warning. "First of all, I'm gonna beat this guy, and then I'm gonna grind you into the dirt. So don't try to get out of it by making me scared! And second, you beat that last guy by luck!" While bragging and talking nonsense, carrot head was pushing my brother's nose like some kind of a button.

"So? What's that got to do with this fight?" Yusuke asked the million-dollar question, and I can't seem to find the answer. Neither can Botan by the looks of it.

"I'm not exactly sure, but I'm going to fight this guy! Monster or not!" Kazuma screeched like a parrot, which irritated me just as much as his stupid pride and recklessness.

"What's the point? You know I'd beat you next anyway!" Yusuke stated.

"Oh Yeah?!" Carrot top taunted. " Well, that'd be true if it was Opposite day!"

"Hey, would you boys please behave?" Botan said as she tried to break the boys apart. "This isn't junior high."

"SHUT UP!" The two shouted at her in sync.

"ENOUGH!!!" I cried out in a commanding voice finally shutting the two up. "Both of you, enough!" My stern demeanour didn't stop there.

"Please sir, may we start?" Shorin asked politely.

"Yea." Kuwabara replied as Yusuke and Botan walked back toward me and Ruby.

"Begin!" Genkai cried out and on cue, Kuwabara charged at Shorin.

"I'll take you down in one hit!" Kazuma shouted. As him and the boy got close enough Kazuma actually punched Shorin like it was nothing, making me feel utterly confused as my eyes blinked blankly.

"What the. . . ?" Yusuke asked just as lost as I am. Meanwhile, Shorin sat up and wiped rubbed the cheek that got hit.

"I see, this fighter will take more strength than I thought." The boy thought out loud, making me span out of my confused state and harden my expression with a glare. He must be playing with Kazuma.

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