CH50 - Weird Days Happens

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Two weeks had passed since that talk with Hiei and ever since that, I haven't seen him at all. I probably deserve it. After all my emotions got me into this mess. And now I really have second thoughts about even trying to feel again.

Well, guess I was never meant to be loved. . .

The days went by in a blur, but my mind would get occasionally get stuck on that stupid Porky Pine dude and his behaviour toward my speech. That very thing made me feel miserable and hopeless. . . .

I should have kept my mouth shut. . . I should have forced my doors close. . . 

Everything was as blank as it can be for me at school, classmates picking on me or my brother, Mr. Iwamoto trying to get us into trouble and then my Drama club activities where I will learn many useful things from my favourite teacher like mimicking other people's voice and impressions, act realistically and much more.

Those were the most entertaining part of the day and perhaps I will miss it once the summer vacation starts.

Everything was as normal as it could be, until the next morning came.

As I was about to tie my hair into its usual bun, my eye accidentally caught my reflection in the bathroom mirror. My mind then went to the time when I was wearing my hair in a ponytail or when it was loose in public.

'Lesson number one: Learn to be brave and confident enough to get out of your own comfort zone.' I hear Ruby's words whispered in my mind. 'It might sound little and in some ways strange but. . . with baby steps and patience, you might find that strength and bravery within yourself to show your true feelings again. A side of yours that you either haven't seen before or you had long forgotten about. . .'

Slowly I lowered my hand down and looked at the long blue ribbon in my grasp. Maybe just. . . maybe I can let it down just a little. . . The braids on each side of my head will stay, but with the combination of the ponytail. When I was done I looked at myself.

It. . . doesn't even look that bad. . .

With a small nod, I went to my room to grab my bag, but then my eyes suddenly caught the sigh of my kunai knife bag. My hand subconsciously went up to my neck and sure enough, the phoenix ring was not there.

Shit, I forgot to take it out of my small bag. Again.

So in a flash I went over that small black bag and try to look for my treasure. . . but to my horror, it wasn't in there.

"Huh?" I couldn't help but hum out loud as I looked through between the knives and every single pocket that little bag had from the outside to the inside.

"No-no-no-no-no!" I murmured under my breath as my panic rises up to the roof with each passing second. My phoenix ring is gone. But how?!

"Miyuki?!" Mother's voice startled me and as quick as lightning I hid my knives under my bed. "Is everything alright? You look a little pale." My mother asked with concern in her voice.

I just closed my eyes and nodded my head mutely.

"Oh, good." Atsuko said, now smiling brightly. "Breakfast is ready on the table." With that she disappeared, making me let out a sigh of relief. But sadly it didn't make me stop frantically looking for my precious treasure. The only memory I have from Sanyu.

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