CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast

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"This was always been my favorite part of the trail, watching the way you squirm as your muscles begin to pop and tear under the ceiling's weight." The huge eyeball with wings said as it was watching the five warriors were struggling to keep the brick ceiling up with all their might. "But of course, the best is your eyes, seeing the gears of thought turn in desperation, thinking, questioning yourself. 'How long can I hold this? Will, I die this way? Will one friend betray us and escape while we flatten, or shall I be the one?'" As the bat creature taunted as it laughed maniacally and in delight at the guests' suffering. The ceiling began to lower down just one bit making everyone under there grunt or whimper because of the pressure. It was hard to tell that either they were getting weaker or the weight was getting heavier, along with the tension that surrounded all five of them.

"Just. . . Ignore that punk." Kuwabara grunted out as his arms were trembling under the pressure. "Stick together." He instructed the gang. "And if anybody tries to run, I swear I'll drag them back myself!" The threat made the fire demon scoff.

"Ha! And I suppose you think it will be noble if we all died as a team." Hiei said dully.

"That's right!" Kazuma replied.

"Here is a thought, let's shut up and find a way out!" Yusuke snapped at the two while his sister was already doing his suggestion. Her eyes darted around, but the only thing that caught her eyes was that lever that started the whole trial.

'If we can just find a way to that switch. . . .' Miyuki thought to herself. She felt the ceiling lowering down, making her look up in a reflex. That's when she saw her right hand. Then an idea finally hit her.

"Hiei!" The girl called out as she turned to look over her shoulder, meeting the crimson eyes of the fire demon. "You're a lot faster than any of us, we'll hold the ceiling up while you go and flip the switch!"

"You crazy?!" Of course, Kuwabara would be the one to object first. " We can't trust that guy! Just look, he doesn't care about all about us!" The ugly carrot top protested, but she ignored it completely. Even though Miyuki knows he was right about that statement, deep down she felt something different about this.

"Your ugly friend had a good point little detective." Hiei grinned in agreement.

"Who's ugly?!" The orange-haired thug screamed with a snarl. "Come here, you mouse!"

"Are you sure you wanna trust me?" The demon boy asked the female detective. "I've already vowed my revenge on you. Maybe I'll handle that now." His tone was serious, but Miyuki just gave a small smirk.

"Maybe, but I don't think quick and pathetic deaths like these would match your warrior-like style." Miyuki replied confidently, making Hiei look at her with confusion. Just then Miyuki began to release some of her spirit energy within her, that soon started to wash over her entire body.

"I'll let out all the spirit power I have left to buy you some time and flip the switch. Just don't trip okay?" Miyuki instructed.

"Wait sis, let me help you with that." Yusuke suggested as he followed Miyuki's example and let his own power flow through him like a river.

Hiei blinked at the girl figure who suddenly did something that took him, and the other boys off guard. . .

She gave the Fire Demon an encouraging smile. A genuine smile while saying the next words. "I trust you." Her voice sounded honest, something that surprised Hiei, even though nothing had been shown on his facial expression beside that confused blank stare.

"NOW GO!" The girl shouted. Hiei did as he was told and sped toward the lever. Kurama let a small smile slip onto his lips before putting his main focus back onto the ceiling with both Urameshi siblings that tried everything in their power to keep it up. The eyeball laughed at the sign but stopped as soon as Hiei appeared in front of the lever. However, something stopped him in mid-action and turned to his comrades who are still under the lowering ceiling.

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