CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior

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The small team continued on their way. Yusuke on the lead with Kuwabara on the end. Hiei was on the left, while Kurama was on the right side with Miyuki on his back, resting and taking her time to recover her strength. Since Hiei doesn't wanted to look like some weak softy, Kurama was the one who took care of the female Spirit Detective. Although, that didn't made the certain fire demon feel much better either. 

The group was running up the stairs, expecting to meet the Third Saint Beast Face to face. However, as soon as they reached their exit, they saw something they weren't expecting at all.

"What?! You're kidding me!" Yusuke exclaimed in total disbelief as he looked at the many doors that that one room had.

"Hn, it appears we have found a maze in Maze Castle." Hiei commented dully.

"Well, I guess that makes sense." The water-bender girl replied to him weakly as her tired eyes scanned each door. "How, a-maze-ing." She added sarcastically.

"We must beware, it's something of a legend." Kurama began to explain. "In the beginning, before the barrier wall was erected around the city, hundreds of bounty hunters came in search of the beasts. None succeeded, but the beasts never left their tower, letting anyone who made into the castle forfeit their lives to this maze. There are fifteen doors, all but one leads to a dead end. There are no second attempts, unavoidable traps lie in the incorrect passageways. So you see, a poor choice seals our fate." After the explanation, Kuwabara and Yusuke took a nervous and hard swallow.

"I see. . ." Miyuki murmured under her breath as she placed her chin back onto her childhood friend's shoulder while her arms subconsciously got a little tighter around the teen's neck, making sure she won't fall off. Her small action made redhead tense up a little as a smallest hint of pink blush revealed itself onto his cheek. Hiei just happened to see that and he can't help but feel that burning sensation inside his chest, what is known as . . . jealousy. . . but he managed to mask it. Yusuke looked at each door but doesn't know which one should he trust so instead he turned to Kuwabara.

"Ok, Mr. Sensitive, this one's all yours." Yusuke told the orange-haired guy. He let out a small glare but did as he was told. He turned to each, but one particular caught his attention. Some sort of energy came from that one, making Kazuma gasp a little.

'That door got a big feeling about it.' Kuwabara concluded. 'Kinda like the first two monsters.'

"The second door on the left." Kuwabara informed the others.

"You heard the man, let's go." Yusuke instantly agreed without any hesitation or doubt.

"How do we know he's not making a mistake?" Hiei asked impolitely earning a glare from Kuwabara.

"I'm sorry shorty, maybe it's not your thing, but you're just going to have to trust me on this one." Kazuma replied as seriousness hardened his tone. "I know there's something big behind this door." Kuwabara continued on as he walked over his chosen door. "Something scary." He grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. A sudden scream escaped from his throat as he backed away and then fell on his butt. "I hate mice!" He exclaimed as his face turned pale.

"And this idiot is our teammate. . ." Miyuki mumbled out loud annoyed, making Kurama laugh at the girl silently while Hiei just scoffed in agreement.

"Geez Kuwabara, and that speech of yours was getting so dramatic?" Yusuke said sarcastically. The girl sighed as she shook her head.

"Let's go." Kurama said as he and the others started to walk into the room. Back in the tower, the two Saint Beast watched their guest's every move.

"Very surprising." The one, who was the leader, spoke up impressed. "Somehow they have chosen the correct door, we have hardly have it said that the four Saint Beasts welcome guests so far into their home." There was a small pause. " I'm sorry, but two Saint Beasts is more than accurate now." He corrected his statement with his early calm voice.

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