CH11 - Meeting the Master

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A week had passed since our mission and as always life goes on. But had other plans with a certain pair of Spirit Detectives. Ever since that encounter with Hiei, Miyuki began to take her training and practice seriously. Her skills with the kunais are getting a bit better while her water bending techniques are still sloppy. 

Then on cue this happens on the perfect yet awful timing.

One day at school, Botan called her and Yusuke to the rooftop so she can give the next mission from Koenma. Apparently, there was a Human Hunter named Rando, who had stolen secret techniques and abilities from many psychics, and as his next target, he had chosen Genkai who just happened to look for an apprentice to teach. In this case scenario, Koenma already arranged a meeting for Miyuki, which the old psychic agreed on since the female spirit detective needed the training as well. As for Yusuke however, he is going to be the one to go undercover for the mission while his sister is watching over.

After some talk and convincing, their mother agreed and let the two go to this 'Boot Camp' they assigned themselves to for the next six months. The next day Miyuki was walking up on the stairs that would lead to the new teacher's house all alone. After reaching the top, the gates in front of the girl open. Soon a woman shorter than her stepped outside with a young girl who was in the same age as Miyuki, maybe at least one year older.

The old lady had pinkish-grey hair with hazel eyes and wore a martial art uniform. On top of her head, she wore a purple cap the kanji sign on the front meaning that she was the master.

"Master Genkai." Miyuki greeted as she gave a bow to her future teacher who let a small smirk paint its way up to her face.

"Hmm, you have manners, good to know." Said the old woman as she scanned Miyuki's figure from bottom to top. "It's been a while since we had seen another water-bender, isn't that right Ruby?"

At the word ' water bender' Miyuki lifted her gaze up and glanced at the teen girl who was wearing a blue old traditioned like dress with a leather bota bag or pouch around her waist. Her skin was the same colour as the almond and long braided hair as black as coal, eyes like two coffee beans, and a small birthmark on her left cheek.

"I assume Koenma had mentioned it?" Miyuki asked politely as she turned her attention back to the master.

"Yes, he did." Genkai nodded. "But I will warn you now, no slacking off in this training, or even think about running away once you step in. To see how strong you're, you'll also be participating  in the first half of my tournament."

"Of course, ma'am." Miyuki bowed her head making the master smirk once more.

"Good." Genkai replied. "What's your name child?"

"Miyuki Urameshi." Replied the girl. "I am truly humbled to be in your presence." She added honesty because unlike her brother, she would be respectful to others who deserve it or to people who truly want to share knowledge with her.

"Hm." Genkai hummed to herself thoughtfully while taking a mental note of her new pupil.

"The name is Ruby. Also, a Water-bender." The girl, Ruby introduced herself as she walked over and bowed to her newfound water-bending partner. "It's nice to know I am not the only one."

"A pleasure." Miyuki nodded to her as she politely replied to the other teen.

"Let's not waste any more time." With that, the master turned on her heels and walked inside. "Come on now."

"Yes, Master Genkai." The two said in perfect sync before following her inside the place.


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