CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell

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"I'm never gonna give up on this fight." Kuwabara huffed as he struggled to stay on his feet. "No matter how big you get!" He panted as Byakko was standing in front of him, getting bigger and fatter than before.

"So, are you sure?" Yusuke asked me.

"Positive." I said with a slight glare that is meant to the ugly cat. "Kuwabara is helping him!"

"Why is it so hard to understand human?" Byakko laughed. "Your weapon is made of pure energy that's feeding my spirit's appetite like a fresh slab of red meat. Unless you want to keep making me bigger and stronger, I suggest you throw down your sword."

"No way!" Kazuma scoffed out a laugh as he created another sword with the energy that he still had in his body.

'He had lost it.' I thought to myself.

"So, this is your plan, to feed me?" Byakko asked with a smirk.

"That's right!" Kuwabara snarled just as he jumped up in the air with his sword raised above his head.

"LET'S GO!!!" Yelled the cat. Just then Kazuma struck him with his weapon that went through Byakko's big mouth.

"Alright!" Yusuke cheered.

"This may not be good." Shuichi sighed beside me, which just got me even more worried. I feel my heart drop when I feel Kuwabara's spirit energy being sucked out of his body.

"Just let go." Yusuke murmured worriedly.

As soon as he let go of his weapon, Kazuma collapsed down to the floor. Byakko laughed with satisfaction as he took a step toward Kuwabara.

"Thanks!" He said as he rubbed his large belly. "You have more spirit energy on your bones than I thought. Eating all of it nearly made me full. Oh?"

The idiot began to get up again, but I can tell that he doesn't have enough strength to stand up. "I'm not done yet." Kuwabara said as he attempted to summon another spirit sword. However, his energy was only enough for a small dagger.

"Aw man, his Spirit Sword downsized." Yusuke commented.

"I dare you to come closer." Kuwabara threatened weakly.

"Ha, you can't even stand up anymore." The hair-ball laughed mockingly. "You're nothing but a wounded animal." Then he lifted his huge feet and kicked Kuwabara in the face, sending him flying across the ground. Kazuma tried to get up as soon as he landed but being way too exhausted and drained he remained motionless.

"Crushing you will be the perfect exercise after my giant meal. As soon as there's room in my stomach that's where you'll go!" Byakko said as he stomped his way over. "I'm not sure if I can crack jokes about this, Kuwabara's really going to get killed now." Yusuke said.

"No, there is a way." Kurama spoke up.

"Well then, say it!" Yusuke demanded impatiently.

"Byakko's body stopped expanding half-way through that attack." Kurama answered with a serious tone. "That indicates vulnerability."

"So you mean he has a weakness." Yusuke pointed out with a little hope in his voice.

"Don't get the boy's hopes up Kurama." Hiei told him making me turn to him.

"I am simply saying there is a chance." Kurama replied sternly.

"Yes Kurama, maybe if you were the one fighting." Hiei pointed out. "But that fool Kuwabara will never be able to see it." I huffed at him before turning back to the fight. Byakko had lifted up Kuwabara by the collar.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now