CH44 - Getting into a little situation

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My eye fluttered open and the first thing I felt something. . . wet. . . In an instant, I shot up from where I was lying. The entire floor was wet. My ears then caught the sound of a loud and bird-like screech. It was really loud and filled with power. . . Lifting my stare I see a . . . glowing water wall in front of me. I got up to my feet and slowly walked over with my left hand reaching for it. I didn't notice how the voices I once heard were suddenly drained out of the entire area until I touched the icy surface of that mysterious wall.

Another quiet moment later, the screech was back again, with a claw and flames hitting the wall right in front of me. I gasp in fright and stumbled backward then, unfortunately, landed on my butt, splashing the water around me while my stare remained on the flaming bird that is desperately trying to get out of the cage that surrounded it.

Is that. . . is that the phoenix itself? The Phoenix of Light?

"You got that right little one." A familiar voice confirmed it as he walked over and helped me back on my feet by putting his hands under my armpits and hoisting me up. "She looks majestic isn't she?"

Akio : Young Firebender,  Member of the Shinobi of Spirit World, The warrior who was able to tame the Phoenix of Light

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Akio : Young Firebender,  Member of the Shinobi of Spirit World, The warrior who was able to tame the Phoenix of Light

(Character design, art by me.)

"It's a she?" I asked in wonder.

"Yeah." Akio laughed a little as he held onto my hand and lead me close to the wall. While doing that, I noticed how his previously cheerful attitude turned into a serious one now.

"You see this?" The white-haired boy asked me as he pointed at the wall in front of me. However, when his finger made contact with it, a magical seal appeared on the surface with many runes and symbols.

"Y-yes." I finally replied after my eyes take all the visual information. Akio gave a small nod to me.

"After your first use of her powers, I placed a safety seal." The Jack-Frost figure began to explain it to me. "I remember when I first used the Light's powers. If it wasn't for Toya and the other Shinobis's help I would have been dead during the time when I attempted to tame the Phoenix." 

As he was telling me these, I felt a little confused.

"How does it work?" I eventually asked. "The power I mean."

"Everything is almost like fire bending just, more powerful and dangerous." Akio began. " It's almost like a technique that is called 'The Dragon of the Darkness Flame.' If you make one wrong move and don't stand your ground, it will take control and then 'BAMM'. You will become the victim of your own technique."

"Like Rando." I breathed out as the memories of the Genkai tournament went through my mind. 

"He knew the mechanics of the techniques he had stolen from the Psychics, but since he never had any proper training, they became his downfall."

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now