CH4 - Between the flames and the light

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"So, you said no to that boy." I stated like it was so obvious. After school, Keiko walked me home, and while doing that she told me how a boy asked her out. Well, of course, she would reject him because she only has eyes for my brother, even though she never admits it. "Well, what else could I have said to him?" Keiko replied. "I already like someone else."

"But why him of all people?" I asked out loud. It's still a mystery to me of how on earth did a girl as smart as she attached her feelings toward someone as idiotic as my punk brother.

"I have no idea who you're talking about." Keiko defended herself, but her stutter betrayed her true feelings. Unfortunately for her, I was not blind. It's clear as day that she had the hugest crush on Yusuke since we were kids.

"You can do better." I said with an emotionless tone like I was some kind of robot, but the statement was true.

"Well, then what about that small 'incident' with the red-headed boy who you hanged out with back when we were like ten or so?" Keiko asked slyly. The air was caught in my throat as I feel my cheeks heating up. God damn it Keiko for bringing that up.

"I was naïve and foolish child." I defended as I placed my right hand over my face, covering my flushed cheeks. " And mind you, it was and accident." I reminded her as I shook my head to shake off the embarrassment. I hate having emotions like these. Why do I even have them?! I don't freaking deserve it.

"Oh, come on Miyuki, why is it always half empty to you?" Keiko scolded at me before a sigh replaced her question. I didn't reply and just continued on our way in silence. As soon as we arrived at my house, I grabbed my keys. The sight that welcomed us was a house filled with many mountains that were made out of trash. Either cans, broken glass, magazines, or other disgusting stuff that covered the whole floor. The sink was also filled with many unclean plates and chopsticks. Dang it, the whole thing looked like it was ambushed by a giant tornado that brought the whole junkyard into this very house. Most importantly, how did this even happen in the first place when I clean up almost every flipping night? 

"Ugh! I don't even think we can get to the other side without stepping on some half-chewed food or broken glass." Keiko complained before turning to me questioningly. I just shrugged my shoulder and give a look that says 'don't look at me like it's my fault.'.

Seriously, how did mom even manage to create chaos like that in less than half a day?

Stepping over some magazines and garbage bags I finally go to the table where a had spotted a note. Sure enough, I feel my eyes twitching with annoyance.

Miyuki, Keiko ~ Be gone for a little while. Take care of Yusuke for me.

Oh, the nerve of that woman. . . .

"What's that?" Keiko asked as she managed to get to my side with some difficulties. I just closed my eyes shut with irritation and pushed the note into the brunette girl's grasp. As expected, she was growling at the now crumbled note.

"Uhh, guess she is back to normal." Keiko concluded just as irritated as I was.

"I'll try to clean up the kitchen. You take care of my brother there, he is in the next room." I instructed her and then I got to work immediately. As I reached the sink, however, I felt that tingling feeling again, but this time it was somewhat stronger.

If I am correct there were like three more presence in the area I am at.

"This is terrible!" Exclaimed Keiko loud enough to snap me out of my small trance. "Even Yusuke is covered in garbage." Oh no, here we go again. I turned back and began washing plates while Keiko's rant was ringing in the background-.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now