CH8 - Reunited again. . .

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The demon approached the Urameshi siblings with fury and hunger in his eyes.

"That soul you two let go of was my dinner, and I'm hungry." He hovered over the two before letting out a huge roar and punched and kicked each away, making them bounce and roll on the ground once more.

"I'll just have to eat you instead!" The demon roared. Yusuke tried to get back up but during his attempt, he fell back down. Miyuki was also in the same condition but somehow, she managed to keep herself up on one knee in balance.

"Oh, I forgot how fragile humans are." Said the demon. "Don't let me hit you too hard now." Miyuki growled at the creature before getting at least three of her kunai knives.

"I mean, I hate to bruise the meat." He then began to charge at Yusuke then kick him another few feet away. With a loud thud and grunt, Yusuke hit his back into a tree. Feeling angry now Miyuki threw her knives at the demon. Sadly, it didn't even scratch the surface of his skin, but it did stop the demon from getting any closer to his previous target.

"Naive little girl, did you really thought your butter knives can kill me?" The demon laughed mockingly as Miyuki hold her side and grit her teeth. "Well, not this time!" Shouted the demonic creature before running at the small girl figure at full speed.

"Get away!" Yusuke shouted but his strength started to leave him as exhaustion and pain began taking over. He couldn't stand, nor crawl. The brother helplessly watched as his little sister was getting her lungs almost crushed by that monster.

Miyuki for once raised one hand up in the air as she tried to concentrate on bending the water that is falling on her and around the area, but the demon already got there and punched the girl in the stomach and then in the face. The female Spirit Detective gasped for air but it was hard thanks to the blow the monster had sent to her. Before her body slid down from the wooden surface, the thief grabbed onto the small and now fragile figure's hair bun and began to choke her by the neck.

"Suffer." The demon said. "Just don't die."

"Leave my sister alone!" Yusuke said out of breath completely as he once more attempted to get up. Just then when all hope was lost, voices began to ring through the woods while lights lit up one by one. Those things began to give the demon thief the scare.

"That voice. . ." Yusuke grunted out as he kept one of his eyes open.

"Sorry little girl, but you and your brother are not worth the run-in for our local villagers, so I'll have to let you two live." Said the demon before throwing the now unconscious girl right next to her brother. "Now both of you, be smart and stay away from me." With that last warning, he ran away with the artifact.

"Bastard. . ." Yusuke managed to breathe out before dropping back down and close his eyes from exhaustion.


A gasp escaped through my lips as I got up from my bed. Wait. My bed?

"What happened to the forest?" I yelled as I scanned my surroundings. The last thing I checked Miyuki and I were fighting in the forest with some monster.

"I'm in my room?" I asked confused. "Don't tell me it was all just a crazy dream."

Then I remembered my sister.

"Miyu-!" My call was cut off when I saw my mother enter the room with a gasp as she dropped the blue rag onto the floor.

"Yusuke, you're up." Mother said. "Are you alright?" She asked with concern.

"I think so-" I was about to answer but a fist punched me on the head making me cry out in pain.

"Mother!" I shouted at her as I rubbed my head. "Don't just wallop an injured person."

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now