CH21 - The Second Round

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The lava was bubbling up in the surface like boiling water as the two fighters stared at each other intensely. Miyuki looked calm as her face was as emotionless as before. As for Byakko, he had a grin on his face that reflected nothing more but overconfidence, clearly thinking he is having the upper hand.

"I don't know about you guys, but I think we should help her." Kuwabara suggested, worry written all over his features.

"She will be okay." Yusuke replied to him with confidence even though he was also unsure of himself, how his little sister will handle it.

"How can you be so sure about that Urameshi?" Asked the orange-haired teen thug. "She is a girl for god sake!"

"Well, she is still my sibling after all, not to mention Genkai's and Yara's other student as well." The Urameshi boy replied. "And when I say those, that means she can do some serious ass kicking, just wait and see." The brother figure then turned back to the fight.

'Be careful Phoenix.' Kurama silently prayed as his forest green eyes were filled with concern. Hiei turned to the fox demon with questioning eyes, but he soon turned away and stare at the female detective blankly, even though he felt something. . . . different about her. . .

"Shall we begin?" Asked Miyuki blankly as her hands balled into fists. Not because of anger, but more like because of the coldness that reached both her arms. The skin on her hands got a little paler but that soon spread up to her forearm. 

"If that's your final wish then I will be glad to grant it for you." Byakko laughed mockingly before stretching out his arms on both sides. His hands clenched into fists then suddenly black lightning began to surround his form. They made their way up to his throat after a small moment later, making the female Spirit detective get into a defensive position. She felt her enemies spirit energy increasing but she kept her mind calm in order to think of some strategy later on.

"What's that?" Yusuke asked in shock as Byakko's mouth began to fill up with some sort of energy that had a mixture of yellow and green colours.

"Something powerful." Kurama replied with a small hint of disbelief in his voice.

"Very." The fire demon chimed in. Just then a huge green energy blast came out of the Saint Beast's throat like a giant cannonball that had been shot right at Miyuki's direction. "So it does exist."

With quick reflexes, the girl managed to jump out of its way and land on another pillar. As soon as that blast hit that other pillar, it had blown into small ashes. Miyuki's eyes widened a little as one of her hands was still in a tight fist while the boys, besides Hiei gasped at the sight of that.

"What the-! He just blew the whole thing up into nothing within a second!" Kuwabara freaked out, now beginning to worry even more for his female friend.

"You like it?" Byakko asked with a proud laugh. "I call it my Tiger Scream, everything it touches transforms into a pile of ashes."

"Uh-oh! This is not good." Kuwabara stated, sweating nervously while Yusuke's hands balled into fists as his eyes trembled a little terrified.

'Damn it.' Yusuke and Miyuki thought at the same time. The girl reached for inside her small bag and grabbed three of her kunai knives.

"Okay, time to improvise a little." Miyuki thought to herself in a whisper while the boys watched her every move.

"For years I've heard of a fighter who can destroy molecular bonds with the vibration of his voice. " Hiei commented with his usual monotone voice. "I never thought I'd meet him."

"So she can't even touch it with any spirit weapon?" Yusuke asked curiously.

"No." Hiei replied as he turned to his teammates. "If she does that, it would cause a chain reaction that would destroy her entire spirit." This got Kuwabara and Yusuke to panic. Miyuki was able to hear the Fire Demon's explanation and it caused her to now get a little nervous. Just a little.

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