CH26 - The end of all this

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I felt completely out of this shit, but it won't stop me from fighting. Nonetheless, however, I was completely flabbergasted by what I had just done. Not only did a tiny part of my spirit powers came up to the surface, but I did something that even Master Yara had never done before.

As an Elemental, she knows how to control all four elements and since she knows how to bend fire she can also create it's purest and deadliest form as well. Lightning. While me, I freaking redirected it back to my enemy just like Genkai with her Spirit Light Reflection Impulsion technique that she once told me and Yusuke. Like a water bender. . . turn the enemies own forces against them.

I honestly didn't know what I was thinking, I just tried to do something to stop this jerk from zapping my ass off. . . .

But now. . .

Now that I can redirect the attacks of this asshole, I don't have to waste my spirit energy much now.

"You surprised me Miyuki." Suzaku said between grunts and pants while his eyes were filled with wonder?

What's with this look on his face?

"You're making it very difficult for me to finish you off because seeing you so fierce and determent like a true fighter should you just made me fall in love all over again." That smug and cocky voice of his again. . . . It really starts to piss me off.

"Keep the cheesy crap to yourself, okay?!?" I snapped at Suzaku as I pulled out another handful of water, covering each of my hands and turning them into ice fists. "I am sick and tired of the whole villain monologue stuff. You might as well stay down or just step out of my freaking way because you are in it and I don't want to waste my time with freaks like you." Then without thinking I lunged myself at him began to punch him rapidly. He dodged each of my punches but by the exhausted look on his face, it seems he is probably in the same boat as I was, drained and out of spirit energy. I placed one foot firmly onto the ground and then went for another big punch, putting every strength I had in it.

The thunder outside boomed once again as I managed to punch the last Saint Beast's clone in the face while he did the same with me. The impact sent me back to the ground, rolling and sliding away for like twenty feet while my punch did the same to him, but he managed to stand on one knee at least.

'Damn it!' I cursed in my mind as I weakly raised my upper body. 'Why am I so pathetic at times like these . . . ?'

"I'm sorry, I hope I didn't bruise you up that much." I hear that pervert moron 'apologize' as I scrambled up from the floor and wipe the blood away from the corner of my lip. "I didn't mean to ruin that pretty face of yours."

"Shut. . . Up. . . Moron." I told him off as I charged at him again, now my ice fists growing three ice claws each. I went for the head again, but he dodged it again. Right after that, each slice I swung at him, he just kept on dodging it like some ninja. I swear I feel like fighting Hiei again, but at least he wasn't that idiot flirty type like this moron is. Damn with my slowness, I really need to work on it. Even if that means I am going to get some regular butt-kicking sessions from those old ladies, using my own body as an example.

My wrist was suddenly caught by Clone Suzaku. My other wrist ended up in the same, making me growl out in frustration as I was face to face with the demon leader who just looked smugger than ever.

"You know, you look cute when you're angry." Suzaku commented with a small chuckle of amusement as his nose almost touched the tip of mine. I bare my teeth as my fists tightened even more. Now I was beyond furious and done with this bastard. Out of the blue, the last Saint Beast yelled out in pain as he held his right hand with a steaming palm. I didn't question it and just seize my moment to attack him with a headbutt that probably broke his nose. My ice-cold fists now free and it went directly for the face while my 'cold-feet' kicked the chest area right after that punch. His body flew away, but with a backflip, he landed on his feet as a cat would. I look at the Orange-head face which looked now angry. No. More like insulted and hurt. Furious even like someone just cheated on him or something.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now