CH12 - Fighting in the darkness

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Ruby and I were walking at each side of our respected Psychic while the rest of the fighters were following us not far behind. After climbing up another few steps on the staircases we arrived at another temple. I secretly took a glance over my shoulder. I saw my brother also doing the same thing as I was. Scanning the group of fighters that are left.

I couldn't detect anything suspicious, but I sense something different, however. Something evil, but don't know where does it come from.

I sighed then turned back forward only to almost kiss the wooden surface of the next gate. Luckily, my reflexes saved me from the embarrassment.

"From here on, you can forget about sympathy!" Genkai informed the small crowd of people with a stern and warning tone. "The final test will be a tournament between the eight of you until one is standing. You'll fight until your opponent is dead or incapacitated. I don't care which."

Now that's kind of unusual.

The gate opens, leading us inside the big building, which was completely bare. No pieces of furniture, no windows, it was completely empty.

"Come on now, walk!" Genkai urged us. Ruby and I walked inside first before the rest could follow. As we deeper into the temple the gates closed shut, leaving nothing but darkness.

Oh great, I can't even see the tip of my nose.

"UUh, hey! What's wrong with the light?!" Kuwabara cried out panicked, his loud and gruff voice almost making my ears go deaf. "I don't like that lady."

"Yeah grandma, what do you expect us, to fight in the dark?" My idiot of my brother spoke up next. Since it was dark I facepalmed hard. My brother is a dimwit.

Suddenly, a bright light faded into our vision, giving enough to reveal everyone's faces. I looked at Genkai who was sucking onto a cigarette that she had lit up a second ago. After a deep inhale she blew a good amount of smoke right into Kazuma's and Yusuke's face, making them cough uncomfortably while I smartly covered my mouth and nose with my hand.

"Yes you little crap, that's exactly what I expect." Genkai said annoyed toward my big brother before turning to the others. I couldn't help but let a small smirk dance it's way up onto my lips.

"You must first use your spirit awareness to see." The master turned to everyone. "Use weapons if you got them. Hit them where you like, anything goes. The winner is the one who can walk back alive." I looked at my brother who had done the same to me and we exchanged looks between us.

"Sounds like a typical Saturday morning street fight, huh guys?" Yusuke asked us with a small hint of a grin on his expression. I turned to the carrot head as well only to see a small drop of sweat roll down from his forehead. What's wrong with him?

"I'm not sure Urameshi, I got a bad hunch." Kazuma began talking. "Like some of that scary stuff from the forest followed us here somehow, uh, you know?" I feel myself gritting my teeth. So he can feel that too? "Like some beast has been stalking me all this way, but he's too afraid to attack me." Kazuma finished his speech.

"Well, that proves it then." Yusuke concluded. "After all those tests, Rando must still be after Genkai's technique. " I sent my brother a small nod of agreement.

"Who's Rando?" Kuwabara asked curiously. "Is he a beast?"

"Something like that." My brother replied. "I don't have time to explain now, just tell me." Yusuke turned to the fighters. "Is that hunch coming from one of those guys?" He asked.

"It's kind of hard to detect." I informed the boys as my eyes were narrowed at the contestants. "He probably hid it."

"Yeah." Kuwabara nodded his head in agreement. "It's just hanging in the air and I can't tell where it's coming from. Sorta like uh. . . uh. . ."
"Sorta like a fart in a cramped elevator." Yusuke finished it in the most idiotic but painful way possible.

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