CH9 - A Son's motivation

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Of course, once we got home, Yusuke and Botan threw me a bunch of questions while scolding at me for almost getting myself killed by a monster. However, after their lectures, I told them everything that I know. About our conversation and the favour, he had asked and I, of course, agreed on. After my brother's yelling and hissy fit about how the alcohol stung his arm, Botan spoke up.

"You know this could be a trap Miyuki. It seems a little too easy." She said thoughtfully to me. This also caught Yusuke's attention. "It's no coincidence that he asked for three more days. By then, the moon will be completely full and the power of the Forlorn Hope will reach their maximum. When that happens, the mirror will reflect the strongest desire of whoever looks into it, and it has said that the desire will be granted, that the user must give something in return." There was a small pause. "Only a few people know what that something is."

I looked at the two with my arms still crossed over my chest while my body was standing with the support of the wall on my back.

"Getting our mirror may be pointless if his wish destroys the Earth." Botan pointed out but I shook my head in disagreement.

"By the sound of it he could do that all by himself, right?" I made a point. 

"But it's still can be dangerous." Again, Botan tried to convince me but I didn't believe in her one bit.

"He is not like that." I told her with a soft tone as I looked away one more time.

"How can you be so sure about that?" Yusuke asked in a shout like I was the crazy one here. Taking a deep breath, I went over to my bag and pull out my Phoenix book and my favourite bookmark, which was a group picture of three young children on it. Me, Sanyu and Shuichi.

"You two know him as Kurama." I began to explain as I gave the photo to my brother for the very first time in his life. "But I know him as Shuichi Minamino from my childhood. He is Sanyu's elder brother and we were really close after our first encounter. However, we lost contact when Yusuke and I had to move away from that small city."

"He was Sanyu's brother?" Yusuke asked a little shocked as he handed me back the picture.

"Yes." I replied gravely. "We haven't talked much in the past two years, but he is still my friend and I trust him."

"Are you out of your mind?" Botan exclaimed with a small hint of disbelief. "Let's not forget that his dear old teammate tried to rip you and your sibling into little bits." Yusuke sighed as he turned his gaze to the wall.

"It's true but. . ." Yusuke began a little tiredly. "When I was walking up, they were having some sort of argument." The look on our pink-eyed girl morphed into a questioning look.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Yusuke is right." I confirmed it. "When I spied after Gouki I happened to hear every word. That guy, Hiei I believe freaked out when Shu- I mean Kurama said that he wanted to leave the alliance. They didn't like that and Gouki demanded the mirror immediately, but he said he wants to use it for something."

"I see." Botan sighed. "Do you know what's his plan with it by any chance?"

"I'm not really certain either. . ." I lied. Not completely, but my theory says that this has to do something with Shiori, his mother. Shuichi told me to meet at a hospital. . . So that can only mean one thing. . .

"Yusuke, Miyuki I made us some dinner." Yusuke jumped a little while Boten flinched slightly at mom's announcement.

"Will you be eating with us Botan? There is plenty of food." My mother offered.

"Oh yes, that would be lovely, thank you." Botan thanked her.

"Can't you knock mom?" Yusuke complained a bit harshly. "We're in the middle of an important conversation." Mentally facepalming to myself I left the room, not wanting to deal with an angry mother at the moment. Botan was also smart enough to leave with me.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now