CH28 - The Second Wave of All

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Somewhere, in the depths of another realm, there was a ruin of a castle. It was lying in a huge forest that had been consumed by the darkness that is coming out of that very palace. In one of its towers, there was a figure standing by the open window with a staff that had a huge green crystal ball on top. The lightning strikes, illuminating the figure's outline that the shadow above had been covering his whole identity. The only thing that is shown under those dark covers was his crown with a green gemstone shining in the middle.

"Hmpf, well isn't that a bit disgraceful?" Thought out loud in a bored tone as the mysterious figure walked away from the window and back to his throne room where two more figures were found, training against each other. One was using their ninja sais while the other was using fans with deadly sharp blades. The two were sparing, under the watchful eyes of the mysterious person, who was probably the emperor and a great sorcerer of the ruins and the land around it. "After all those years, you still hadn't learned from your mistakes my son." The man said to himself as he finally stepped out of the cover of the darkness.

It was a man dressed in royal blue clothing that is also looked like a half-Armor. His hair was as black as the Indian ink that had been separated in the middle and had two dark-blue tentacles on each side. There were also two horns that came from each side of his head while his skin was pale blue like the ice, just like the emperor yes. A pair of ice-blue orbs, reflecting nothing but the coldness and cruelty that matches his personality perfectly. 

A true work of evil. The wicked even.

"Daughters!" He called sternly as he sat down to his throne. The female warriors before, the so-called daughters stopped with their training and kneeled before heir father with respect since he was the ruler.

"The time of hiding and waiting is over." He began with a calm and stern tone as his cold eyes went from one daughter to another. "Your brother, Suzaku, and his so-called Saint Beast friends had failed with his promise of conquering the human world." The emperor scoffed, clearly disappointed and unimpressed how his firstborn had shank so low to the point he was defeated by some Spirit Detective who was nothing but human. "So as always, you two have to clean up his failure of a mess. But hopefully, you, my daughters won't repeat your brother's mistake. If that happens, however, there will be grave consequences. "

"Yes, father." Replied the two in perfect sync, and like dogs, obedient and loyal they accept their master's quests.

"Good." Replied the man as his ice-blue orbs began to flame with determination and hunger. . . hunger for blood. . . "Now rise and let us discuss our plans for our attack, along with the glorious future, that holds for us all."

At that, both daughters lifted their heads up to look at their father figure. The one with glowing and gold-yellow orbs gaze upon her father with wicked and joyous eyes while the other with magenta eyes looked at the emperor unsureness but she didn't let that show. Then her orbs darted to the family portrait where she, her siblings, mother, and father was smiling all happily, looking perfect in every other way.

Back in the human world where everything had quieted down, a hand pushed the button of a doorbell, which got the attention of a man who was just having a wonderful time with his lover while enjoying some delicious tea.

"I'll get it." Said the man kindly to his beloved as he walked out to the front door and open it, revealing a familiar black-haired girl with chocolate brown orbs.

"Good afternoon miss, how may I help you?" Asked the man with a kind smile that Miyuki returned with a polite one along with a small bow.

"My apologies to barge in, but does Shuichi Minamino lives here? " The girl asked.

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