CH51 - Lamenting Beauty

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"Okay Botan, what the hell kind of explanation did you give to her? She thinks we're some freaking interns in some screwed up after school program!" Yusuke ranted on really angrily while our blunette assistant held her innocent cat-like look on her face. I shook my head at my brother for being this dense. "For juvenile delinquents."

"Well, I had to make up something believable to explain your absence without mentioning the supernatural." Botan was straight on the point as she angrily got into my brother's face who was sweating a little nervously, knowing the fact that he hasn't thought of this before. "A basic tenant of Spirit World is that it can't run properly with normal humans have proof of it. " She added while yelling back.

"Well, you made me sound lame." Yusuke pouted. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I deeply inhaled from the air.

"Enough already!" Kuwabara scolded at the two, making them finally stop with the argument. "Can we please just watch the video already instead of arguing? You're gonna annoy my sister."

Yusuke of course didn't like it when he was proven wrong and gave him a stink eye while Botan stuck her tongue out to him like a child. However, it soon shifted into an innocent look when my brother turned to her.

"Besides, Botan is right." I agreed with her. "The less Keiko knows the better. It would only get her into trouble."

"Listen to your sister Urameshi." I hear Orange-head agreeing with my statement. "Maybe you should care more about her safety than some stupid cover story." For once this thug said something smart.

"I just love being tag teamed." My brother fumed, but I guess his brain got the message.

"Oh thank you Kuwabara, you're very wise." Botan complimented happily with her hands clapped together.

"What can I say girls, we seem to be the perfect team in every way." The ugly carrot-top said flirtatiously making Botan laugh uncomfortably while sweat dropping.

"Look, do me a favour and don't talk out loud. You're lowering the I.Q. of the whole street." I told him bluntly. Now I want to get over this shit because I am starting to feel my mood swinging again in a bad way. . .

"Hey, that was mean Miyuki." The idiot said with a dramatic hurt look on his face.

"Hey, stop hitting on my sister and start the damn tape." My brother demanded impatiently. I'm not gonna lie, I was getting restless too. What could this tape contain?

"Now hold up right there Urameshi." Kuwabara called out with a serious tone. "Before I press play, whatever kind of mission it is, there's no way I'm getting involved just like the last three times." I looked at him a little gobsmacked. Is he serious about this? He was the one that just threw himself into this mess because of his ego, honour code, or some other horseshit.

"We get it, now press play." Once again, my brother demanded it. Kuwabara grumbled under his breath but did as Yusuke asked him to and pressed the play button on the remote.

The black screen soon turned white with writing on it, then the scene changed to Koenma who is holding a torch, then it changed to something else that looked similar to every opening that looked like in movies but completely ridiculous in any other way.

"They got all out huh?" Kuwabara stated a bit stunned but unimpressed. I feel my eye twitching with annoyance.

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