CH53 - With Small Steps Forward

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Looking up in the endless night sky, out of boredom I began counting the stars just to take some random stuff out od my mind. . . Unfortunately something else happened instead.

My mind drifted to the very person who I had been trying to forget. . .

"Okay, that's it." I hear my brother exclaim out of the blue. "What is wrong with you?" At first, I didn't get who he is talking to, but when I turned my head to the side, the other's looked at me directly.

"What?" I asked them as I feel my eyebrow-raising upward.

"We were asking you Miyu." Botan explained. "For the entire time, you had been unusually quiet."

"Yeah, and that usually says something." Yusuke pointed out with a small hint of suspicion, but worry in his eyes. "Not to mention the mood swings you just performed at school. Is it the time of the month yet?" At that, I let out another small growl through my throat because of my brother's stupid choice of words and jokes.

"None of your goddamn business." I glared at him as I turned my body away once more, now having enough of looking at my friends' faces.

"Tsk, big meanie." Yusuke scoffed at me and I just rolled my eye at his childish behaviour.

"Now that's not nice to say to your sister." Botan said, defending me. I blocked out most of the conversation and just tried to get some sleep, but then. . . I felt something. . . that familiar warm sensation that is on my marked wrist. As carefully as I could, I peeked under my sleeve and looked at my mark. That's when for the first time, I see it glow a little, and it means that 'he' is somewhere near.

I let out a sigh and began and just got up, walking over the high tree without saying a word.

"Where are you going?" Carrot-Top asked me.

"Keep a night watch." I informed bluntly as I began to make my way up to the tree. I need space and air, that's for sure.

Once I was high enough sat down and lean my back onto the trunk. My arms crossed over my stomach and I took a deep breath while my good eye is closed.

'Forget about your feelings, idiot.' I scolded myself harshly. 'It's a selfish thing to even ask for such things as someone's love and acceptance.'

With that, I slowly drifted off. . . Ignoring my burning wrist that just gets warmer and warmer by seconds. . .


On cue, Hiei caught up to the team. He was on the tree next to the one that Miyuki was currently sleeping on. His crimson orbs were scanning across the area and looked at the small group of people who are gathered around the camp-fire.

Hiei, of course, took immediate notice of the other Spirit Detective's absence and that made him look at his phoenix-ying tattoo that is glowing slightly and warm like his partner's mark.

After another round of scanning, he finally spotted the Urameshi girl sleeping on the other tree. This made him let out a relieved sigh secretly, even though no one can see him in the dark.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now