Chapter Twenty Seven

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Sorry my peep squad I was kinda busy today and forgot to update

"What that bloody hell was I thinking!" I tell myself walking to North end not taking a buggy knowing one is already down there. I need the air anyways. "I just blew up like a volcano bloody hormones you better not make me lose my job." I tell my hormones I sigh and continue my lay down the beach.

I sit down beside Mouse, I mean Dark Cloud. I'm gonna have to make a lot of rescues today.

"Hey Mouse." I greet

"Hey Tess, how ya doing?"

"Good. Sorry I missed meeting up with you to head down the beach." I tell him

"That's quite alright."

I give him a smile then keep my eyes on the water.

45 minutes pass and I see a small girl struggling. "Help!" She calls out

"I got this." I say getting out and grabbing the board.

I run quickly trucking through the water. I jump on my board and paddle to the small child quickly.

Her head goes under, "Crap!" I whisper. I paddle even more fast and grab her hand leaning back on my board to slow down. I pull her up onto the board.

"You're okay. You're okay." I tell her as her face is painted with fear. "I got you your safe now." I paddle and catch a wave in. I see the girl smile and giggle having a good time that puts a smile on my face.

Once to the shore I help her off the board. "Make sure you stay in the shallows the water at least passed your belly button okay?"

"K." She says she hugs my lower have of my body, "Thank you." She smiles up at me.

I put a hand on her head, "No problem." She giggles and runs away back to her mother. I didn't ask if she swallowed any water because it's obvious she didn't most kids would feel sick after. I should've still but I've been at this for a long while.

I grab my towel and dry my body off. "Nice save." Mouse says

"Thanks," I smile. "She is so cute." I tell him as I watch her now in shallower water with her mom splashing around.

"Yeah. All kids have the cute puppy face."

I put a hand on my stomach, "Yeah.." I smile.

Harrison's P.O.V

Nice save Tess. I think as I watch her help the kid off the board. The little blond girl hugs her. I watch as she smiles big. She going to be a great mom.

I continue to watch the water.

I spot two kids in the back struggling but I wait but warn Tess and Dark Cloud about them.

"Okay we'll keep an eye on them." I hear Tessa's voice break through the walkie-talkie. "Yeah we're going in they just put there hand up."

"Copy." I say

I watch the water around them making sure I didn't miss anyone.

The coast is clear for now.

Tessa's P.O.V

Mouse and I paddle to the young couple in distress.

I take the guy him being the farther one and mouse gets the girl.


"De nada." I tell him I only know the basics of Spanish.

"¿Habla usted Inglés?" I ask, asking if he speaks English

Fall'n For The New Guy | | Harrison ReidWhere stories live. Discover now