Chapter Thirty Four

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Oh and the party definitely began.... for me anyways.

I had bought and snuck some of my favourite vodka into my cup of punch. I mean this will get me to be more lose. I take it out of the fridge which Jake doesn't know about but wouldn't care.

I pour it into my half drunken punch looking around and seeing everyone busy or either outside.

I look back at my cup and see that it's almost over flowing. "Oh shit." I tip the bottle up quickly, stopping it from pouring anymore.

I slurp without picking it up it so it's not as full when I do.

I whip the counter clean and take a good swig of my drink the alcohol making my throat durn a little then soften to a warmer fuzzy feeling.

Now...the bottle is almost empty. Now don't worry it was only a medium sized bottle.

Tessa comes over to me where I stand and sway to the music closing my eyes and bobbing my head while smiling.

"Whoa. You reek of Vodka." Tess tells me.

"Mhm. What else is new." I smile not opening my eyes still swaying to the music, feeling warm and fuzzy.

"How much did you drink?"

"Not enough." I giggle.

I open one eye to see here staying in front of me quirking her eyebrow with arms crossed. I close my eye, "What?" I ask, "I'm having the best of times."

"Olivia I don't want you to be an alcoholic again."

I open my eyes, "Who said I was? I'm just having a drink, at a BBQ party." I tell her slurring, "Not everyone like beer." I roll my eyes

She sighs, "Olivia what's really going on? You only drink lots when your upset."

"Nothing! I'm completely fine." I slur. Passing her with a hit shoulder to shoulder. "Ops sorry bro." I tell her turning around and looking at her as I walk. I trip over my feet and crash into someone who puts there arms around me to catch my drunken body. The helps me stand back on my feet.

The tall blond just smiles at me, "What you smiling at?" I slur frowning. "Wait I know you...your the guy Tessa introduce me too on my first day." I recall, "Max wasn't it?"

"Maxi." He corrects

"Riiiight, right, right. Maxi. Maaxiii." I look at him, "This that your actual name?"

"No it's only a nickname but it kinda stuck. My name is Trent."

"That's a beautiful name man, why wouldn't they just call you by Trent?" I slur

He only chuckles.

"Do you know where the Jake mister might be?" I ask smiling.

"I believe he's just over there." He nods to where he is I look and there my little Angel is talking to some new person I haven't met yet.

"Thanks mate." I smile patting his firm chest, "Ou," I feel his pecks, "You work out?"

Maxi laughs

"Okay that's enough." Tessa says taking my arm.

"Hey! What's your deal man." I ask

"If Jake sees you doing that he's going to flip."

"Naaaahhh he's chill. Plus it's not like I'm going to take Maxi upstairs and-"

"Don't finish that sentence." She tells me

"Okay mum" I giggle covering my mouth like a school girl.

She looks at me sternly.

"Okay, fun, fiiiinnnneee. I won't do it again. Now let me pass." She sighs and steps out of the way. "Can't make any promises." I giggle hysterically speed walking away.

My world starts to spin a bit but I shake it off......I shake it off I-I shake it, I shake it ooooooffffff. I giggle at myself for letting that song through my mind.

I stumble my way to Jake and finally get to him so see he's not talking to some anymore.

"Heeyyyy Jakey." I slur putting my arm around him.

"Hey Olivia...are you..drunk?" He ask

"Yup." I tell him popping the P.

"But I thought you didn't like beer." He states pulling me close.

"Awe you remembered...." I kiss him on the lips.

"Of course I did I mean who doesn't like beer?" He jokes

I gasp pretending to be hurt. "How dare youuuu." I smile letting him know I'm just kidding.

I go close to his ear, "I if you must know snuck some Vodka on the till and you didn't see." I snicker

"Just how much of it did you drink?" He laughs

"Not enough..." I smile goofily. "If you must knooow I have almost the whole bottle. But don't worry it was only a teency weency bottle." I tell him showing how big the bottle was with my thumb and pointer finger.

"Must be some powerful stuff then." He chuckles

"Oh yeah, the most bestest and powerfulestest." I smirk.

"Lets get you some water okay?" Jake says.

"Alrighty my knighty." I giggle. He puts his arm supportingly under mine.

He struggles to find a bottle of water in the never ending ice. "Just stand for a second." He tells me now using both hands to find one.

I giggle, "Me a Jess put a lot of ice in there." I giggle again, "It's the never ending Ice Boooooxxxx!" I sing now gigging at myself.

"Where is the bloody water bottles."

"Oop—Jake has gone British you guys!" I shout I must look like a fool.

I start to doze off my mind swirling dizzyingly.

I open my eyes slowly to see Jake over me and a two other lifeguards. A pounding feeling throbs in my head. He's saying something but it's like all sound drowned out.

"Olivia? Olivia. You alright?" Jake ask his voice now being heard. I don't answer my body shutting down. My eyes slowly shut.

Tessa's P.O.V

I run over seeing her skin a pasty white.

"How much did she exactly have?" I Jake asks

"I don't know. Did you check in the fridge for the bottle?" I ask

"No I didn't."

"I'll go check." I quickly go into the kitchen a few of the lifeguards have left an hour ago they being on an early shift tomorrow.

I get the bottle out of the fridge seeing it's more then half gone.

"Oh my god. Olivia what have you done."

I run back over, "She's drank too much." I tell him showing him the bottle.

I get my phone out and dial 000.

"The ambulance is on its way." I tell Jake. I touch her skin and it's cold, she starts shivering.

"Is she alright?" Maxi asks coming over.

"She's drank too much alcohol." I tell him as well as Harrison who also is curious to what happened.

"Maxi go get a blanket, there should be one on the couch." Jake says noticing her temperature has dropped too.

Maxi quickly gets one and Jake warms it up on his body first before laying it on Olivia.

"And this was supposed to be a fun night."

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